Effects of nonlinearity on Anderson localization of surface gravity waves

Guillaume Ricard, Filip Novkoski, and Eric Falcon

Université Paris Cité, MSC Laboratory, UMR 7057 CNRS, F-75 013 Paris, France

Reference: Nature Communications 15, 5726 (2024)   

URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-49575-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49575-5

Anderson localization is a multiple-scattering phenomenon of linear waves propagating within a disordered medium. Discovered in the late 50s for electrons, it has since been observed experimentally with cold atoms and with classical waves (optics, microwaves, and acoustics), but whether wave localization is enhanced or weakened for nonlinear waves is a long-standing debate. Here, we show that the nonlinearity strengthens the localization of surface-gravity waves propagating in a canal with a random bottom. We also show experimentally how the localization length depends on the nonlinearity, which has never been reported previously with any type of wave. To do so, we use a full space-and-time-resolved wavefield measurement as well as numerical simulations. The effects of the disorder level and the system's finite size on localization are also reported. We also highlight the first experimental evidence of the macroscopic analog of Bloch's dispersion relation of linear hydrodynamic surface waves over periodic bathymetry.

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