Axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves on the surface of a fluid

Jules Fillette1,2, Stéphan Fauve2 and Eric Falcon1

1Université Paris Cité, MSC Laboratory, UMR 7057 CNRS, F-75 013 Paris, France
2Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, CNRS, PSL Research University, F-75005 Paris, France

Reference: Physical Review Fluids 7, 124801 (2022)   


We report on the experimental study of axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves generated by a vertically vibrating ring partially immersed into a fluid. Different regimes of standing waves are highlighted at the basin center depending on the forcing parameters: linear, nonlinear, and ejection regimes. For weak forcing, the standing waves display a resonant response, close to a natural frequency of the circular basin, predicted by the linear theory. For stronger forcing, we observed that the experimental spatial profile of standing waves breaks the up-down symmetry, and is well described by a third-order nonlinear theory. When the forcing is further increased, the maximum height of the axisymmetric wave crest at the basin center is found to increase linearly with its wavelength, due to the saturation of its steepness, a result well captured by a proposed model.



We conduct an experimental study of axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves generated by a vertically vibrating ring on a fluid surface. Different regimes of standing waves are highlighted at the basin center: linear, nonlinear, and ejection regimes. For moderate forcing, the spatial profile of standing waves breaks the up-down symmetry as predicted by a third-order nonlinear theory, whereas for stronger forcing, the maximum height reached by the axisymmetric gravity-wave crest, at the basin center, is found to increase linearly with its wavelength, as a consequence of the saturation of its steepness.

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