Our photos selected by AIR (Art In Research©)

"The vocation of Art In Research© is to value the scientific research by the image, and its mission is to communicate on the research.  People or compagnies purchasing one or several of the photos copyrighted by AIR contribute directly to the research's influence."

our photographs are included in the new Book "Coalescence, Visions of Science" (Collectif Art In Research, Lienart Ed., Paris April 2019)

see ou
r copyrighted photographs directly on Art In Research web site
Book in Library

see our biography on Art In Research

see Exposition "Art In Research" at the Théâtre de La Reine Blanche, Paris, from 11 Feb. to 19 May 2018

see our photographs in the french magazine "L'Usine Nouvelle"  20 march 2019

see our photograph at Exposition "Art In Research" at Abbey de Silvacane (XIIe), at La Roque d’Anthéron, from 6 July to 29 August 2019

Liquid Turmoil on Artsper.com ; Sweet Crystallisation I on Artsper.com ;   Sweet Crystallisation II on Artsper.com

see press item from Le Monde, 5 June 2019 

   Le Monde    BookLibrairy

Sweet Crystallization I and Sweet Crystallization II - Claude Laroche and Eric Falcon (CNRS, Université Paris Diderot)   2017
Views under microscope of morphogenesis occuring during the crystallisation of a heated sweet water solution. On these shot, the two phases, solid and liquid, coexist.
Sweet Crystallisation I
sugar drop evaporation 2

Liquid Turmoil - Claude Laroche and Eric Falcon (CNRS, Université Paris Diderot)
Top views of patterns on the surface of a fluid layer subjected to a vertical oscillating vibration. Different photos correspond to different forcing parameters.
Liquid deformations of largest ampitude appear in white due to the reflection of the lighting located above the cell (Cell of 10 cm in diameter - 1 cm water depth).

Morphogenesis during evaporation of a saline water solution  - Claude Laroche and Eric Falcon (CNRS, Université Paris Diderot)   2017
Salt drop evaporation

Exposition "Art In Research" at Abbey de Silvacane (XIIe), at La Roque d’Anthéron, from 6 July to 29 August 2019

Sweet crystalisation II Expo La Roque

Exposition "Art In Research" at the Théâtre de La Reine Blanche, Paris, from 11 Feb. to 19 May 2018

PhotoExpoReineBlanche2 PhotoExpoReineBlanche1

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