- Soliton Dynamics over a Disordered Topography, Physical Review Letters 133, 264002 (2024)
- Press item: How does a soliton propagate in a disordered medium? in MSC Lab news (in French), Dec. 2024
- Invited speaker: Physics of wave turbulence and beyond, Sept. 2 - 6, 2024, Les Houches, France
- Funding: Winner of a 2024 French National Research Agency (ANR) funding: ANR Provebact (2025-2028)
- Freely Decaying Saffman Turbulence Experimentally Generated by Magnetic Stirrers, Physical Review Letters 132, 264001 (2024)
- Effects of Nonlinearity on Anderson Localization of Surface Gravity Waves, Nature Communications 15, 5726 (2024)
- Dr. Guillaume Ricard wins the Labex SEAM 2024 Thesis Prize (Science and Engineering for Advanced Materials Laboratory of Excellence) (2024)
- Invited speaker: ESA/CSMA China Conference in Physical Sciences in Low Gravity, May 16, 2024, ESTEC, The Netherlands
- Nonlinear dynamics of a hanging string with a freely pivoting attached mass, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 463, 134164 (2024)
- We are very sad to learn about the passing of our close colleague and friend Julien Moukhtar
- Press item: Our scientific image wins CNRS "The Proof by Image" competition See also here
- Press item: Magnetic snake charmer wins CNRS "The proof by image" competition, in MSC Lab news
- Press item: Magnetic snake charmer wins CNRS "The proof by image" competition in News from Université Paris Cité Physics Department
- Interaction of soliton gases in deep-water surface gravity waves, Physical Review E 109, 034207 (2024)
- A numerical direct scattering method for the periodic sine-Gordon equation, The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1146 (2023)
- Press item: Major funding secured for wave turbulence project, in News from Faculty of Sciences, Univ. Paris Cité, Dec. 2023 (in French) (or see PDF)
- 76th Annual meeting of APS DFD, Nov. 19 - 21, 2023, Washington DC, USA
- Experimental evidence of random shock-wave intermittency, Physical Review E 108, 045106 (2023)
- Funding: Renewal of the funding of the Simons Foundation (New York, USA) on Wave Turbulence for an additional three years (2023-2026)
- Funding: Winner of a 2023 French National Research Agency (ANR) funding: ANR Lascaturb (2023-2027)
- Outreach: Book "150 years of the French Physical Society" (Collectif), Chap. Nonlinear physics division, pp. 243 – 256 (EDP Sciences, 2023) (in French)
- Evidence of experimental three-wave resonant interactions between two dispersion branches, Physical Review E 107, 045101 (2023)
- Statistics of a two-dimensional immersed granular gas magnetically forced in volume, Physical Review E 107, 034903 (2023)
- Transition from wave turbulence to acousticlike shock-wave regime, Physical Review Fluids 8, 014804 (2023)
- Axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves on the surface of a fluid, Physical Review Fluids 7, 124801 (2022)
- 75th Annual meeting of APS DFD, Nov. 20 - 22, 2022, Indianapolis, USA
- Invited speaker: Statistical mechanics,integrability and dispersive hydrodynamics, Oct. 17-21, 2022, INI,Cambridge, UK
- Press item: French scientific magazine Epsil
n, n°17, November 2022
- Press item: "First experimental observation of the statistical equilibrium of large scales in turbulence" CNRS Research News, Sept. 1st, 2022 (in French)
- Press item: "First experimental observation of the statistical equilibrium of large scales in turbulence", MSC Lab Website, Sept., 2022 (in French)
- Experimental observation of periodic Korteweg-de Vries solitons along a torus of fluid, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 139, 53003 (2022)
- Statistical Equilibrium of Large Scales in Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Turbulence, Physical Review Letters 129, 054501 (2022)
- Press item: “Scientists have simulated the movement of fluids similar to space plasma”, Scientific Russia, June 29, 2022 (in Russian)
- Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of
free-surface magnetohydrodynamic wave turbulence, Physical Review E 105,
L063101 (2022)
- Statistics of rogue waves in isotropic wave fields, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 943, A26 (2022)
- Nonlinear dispersion relation in integrable turbulence, Scientific Reports 12, 10386 (2022)
- Press item: " La mécanique comme vous ne l’avez jamais vue" CNRS Le journal, May 27, 2022 (in French)
- Outreach: "How do waves propagate on a liquid torus?" in The Conversation, May 03, 2022
(in French)
- Press item: "A water donut" in CNRS Le Journal, n°307, p. 31, March 2022 (in French)
- Press item: Our liquid-torus image is one of the winners of the 2022 CNRS Engineering MecaPixel Image Competition
- Wave spectroscopy in a driven granular material, Proceedings of The Royal Society A 478, 20220014 (2022)
- Prediction and manipulation of hydrodynamic rogue waves via nonlinear spectral engineering, Physical Review Fluids 7, 054401 (2022)
- Press item: Propagation of solitons in wave basin, Artelia Group, February 10, 2022
- Experiments in gravity-capillary wave turbulence, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 54, 1-25 (2022)
- Invited speaker at the Simons Foundation Dec 2, 2021, Fifth Avenue, New York, USA
- 74th Annual meeting of APS DFD, Nov. 21 - 23, 2021, Phoenix, USA
- Three-dimensionalturbulence generated homogeneously by magnetic particles, Physical Review Fluids 6, L112601 (2021)
- Experimental quasi-1D capillary-wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 135, 64001(2021)
- Experimental dispersion relation of surface waves along a torus of fluid, Physical Review Letters 127, 144504 (2021)
- Création de la division de Physique Non Linéaire de la Société Française de Physique, Les Reflets de la physique n°69, p. 39 (2021)
- Particle dynamics at the onset of the granular gas-liquid transition, Physical Review Letters 126, 128002 (2021)
- Visual analysis of density and velocity profiles in dense 3D granular gases, Scientific Reports 11, 10621 (2021)
- Press item: "Controlled generation of a soliton gas", MSC Laboratory Web Site, March 19, 2021 (in French)
"First controlled generation of a dense soliton gas" in CNRS Research News, Feb. 15, 2021 (in French)
in CNRS Hebdo Feb. 18, 2021, and in Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS Feb. 17, 2021
- Nonlinear spectral synthesis of soliton gas in deep-water surface gravity waves, Physical Review Letters 125, 264101 (2020)
- Numerical Simulation of Collinear Capillary-Wave Turbulence, JETP Letters 112, 757 (2020)
- Patterns in magnetic granular media at the crossover from two to three dimensions, Physical Review E 102,
042907 (2020)
- Saturation of the Inverse Cascade in Surface Gravity-Wave Turbulence, Physical Review Letters 125, 134501 (2020)
- Press item: ''How are rogue waves born?'' in The Conversation Sept. 27, 2020 (in French by E. Couderc/G. Michel)
- Press item: "Rogue waves are born out of random waves" in CNRS Research News, Sept. 11, 2020 (in French), in CNRS Hebdo Sept. 17, 2020, and in Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS Sept. 11, 2020
- Press item: Les vagues scélérates naissent des vagues aléatoires, in Université de Paris Infos, August 28, 2020 (in French) (or see PDF)
- Press item: Les vagues scélérates naissent des vagues aléatoires, MSC Laboratory Web Site, September 11, 2020 (in French)
- Emergence of Peregrine solitons in integrable turbulence of deep water gravity waves, Physical Review Fluids 5, 082801(R) (2020)
- From modulation instability to focusing dam breaks in water waves, Physical Review Fluids 5, 034802 (2020)
- Tuning the distance to equipartition by controlling the collision rate in a driven granular gas experiment, Physical Review E 101, 032903 (2020)
- Press item: Turbulence d’ondes dans la Station Spatiale Internationale, in Université de Paris Infos, 24 February 2020 (in French) (or see PDF)
- Press item: Turbulent waves onboard the International Space Station in CNRS Research News, 03 Feb. 2020; in CNRS Hebdo 20
Feb. 2020; in Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS, and Tweeter @CNES 13 Feb. 2020.
- Press item: Ceci n’est pas qu’une tempête dans un verre d’eau, FNRS.news Magazine, n°119, juin 2020, p. 60
- Press item: High-gravity water waves, ESA - In the Spotlight and ESA Technology Image of the Week, January 15, 2020
- Press item: Testing Waves in High
Gravity, FYFD (FY Fluid Dynamics), January 09, 2020 by Nicole Sharp
- Press item: "Wave turbulence at high gravity", MSC Laboratory Website, December 18, 2019 (in French)
- Press item: Probing Wave Turbulence at High Gravity, Physics - Synopsis, December 10, 2019, by Erika K. Carlson (PDF)
- 72nd Annual Meeting of APS DFD, Nov. 23-26 , 2019, Seattle, USA
- Wave Turbulence on the Surface of a Fluid in a High-Gravity Environment,Physical Review Letters 123, 244501(2019)
- Capillary wave turbulence experiments in microgravity, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 128, 34001 (2019)
- Press item: CNRS Research News "Stabilization of a fluid ring", 14 Oct. 2019, in Lettre "En direct des labos" 15 Oct. 2019,Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS 16 Oct. 2019
- Press item: "Observation de modes stables d'un tore de fluide", 2019 (in French)
- Press item: "The first observation of a stable torus of fluid's resonance frequencies" Phys.Org, 13 Sept. 2019 by I. Fadelli (PDF)
- Press item: "How to make a fluid ring stable?", Paris Diderot University Website, 6 Sept. 2019 (in French)
- Observation of the Resonance Frequencies of a Stable Torus of Fluid, Physical Review Letters 123, 094502 (2019)
- Invited Speaker: International Conference on Magnetic Fluids (ICMF 2019), July 8 - 12, 2019, Paris (France)
- Forced three-wave interactions of
capillary-gravity surface
waves, Physical Review Fluids 4,
074803 (2019)
- Funding:8M$ for Wave Turbulence Collaboration (2019-2023) from theSimons
Foundation (New-York, USA) More
- Invited Speaker: Waves Côte d'Azur, Nonlinear waves at
interfaces, 4
- 7 June 2019,
Nice (France)
- Invited Speaker: Symposium Granular "Phase Transitions" –
from Fundamentals to
Applications, April
14 - 17, 2019, Kloster Banz (Germany)
- Book Coalescence, Visions of Science (Collectif Art In Research) (Lienart Ed., Paris April 2019)
- Wave Turbulence: A Set
of Stochastic Nonlinear Waves in
Interaction, Chapter in "Applications
in Nonlinear Dynamics", Springer Nature,
Chap. 25, pp. 259 – 266 (2019)
- Invited Speaker: Wave Interactions & Turbulence,
December 17-19, 2018, Polytechnique
- Coexistence of solitons and
extreme events in deep water surface
waves Physical Review Fluids 3,
114802 (2018)
- Invited Speaker: International Conference on Applications in
Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2018) August 5-9,
2018, Maui, Hawaii (USA)
- Wave turbulence in microgravity Report to COSPAR (World Committee
for Space Research) CNES Ed., p. 66
- 67 (2018)
- Threshold of gas-like to clustering transition in
driven granular media in low-gravity
environment EPL (Europhysics Letters) 123,
14003 (2018)
- An instrument
for studying granular media in
low-gravity environment Review of Scientific
Instruments 89, 075103 (2018)
- Turbulence
of capillary waves forced by steep
gravity waves Journal of
Fluid Mechanics 850, 803 (2018)
- Self-similar
gravity wave spectra resulting from
the modulation of bound wavesPhysical Review Fluids 3, 054801 (2018)
- Our
scientific photos selected
by Art In Research(c)
- Press item: CNRS Research
News "Magnetic particles
to study turbulence", 13
Nov. 2017, Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS 13 Nov. 2017, in Lettre "En direct des labos" 14 Nov. 2017
- Press item: Magnetic particles to study turbulence (Web site Université Paris Diderot), 14
nov 2017 (in French)
- Press
item: Magnetic particles to
study turbulence 15 nov 2017 (in French)
- Dissipated
power within a turbulent flow forced
homogeneously by magnetic particles Phys. Rev. Fluids 2,
102601(R) (2017) - Rapid Communication
- 70th Annual meeting of APS
DFD, November
19-21, 2017, Denver (USA)
- Winner
of an ANR funding 2017
"Dysturb" (2017-2022)
from French National
Research Agency
- Invited Speaker: Workshop for
CSU-ESA Cooperation in Manned Space
Science and Utilization, June 22-23, 2017,
Beijing, China
- Press items: Experiment
FLUIDICS performed in
International Space Station
(ISS) in May, October 2017
- Experimental
observation of hydroelastic three-wave
interactions Physical Review Fluids 2,
064803 (2017)
- Press item: EPJ E Highlight, 8
June 2017 - Granular material
conductivity increases in mysterious
ways under pressure
- Pressure dependence of the
electrical transport in
granular materials European Physical Journal E 40,
56 (2017)
- Segregation
and pattern formation in dilute granular media
under microgravity conditions Nature PJ
Microgravity 3, 1 (2017) - Brief Comm.
- Wave turbulence in a two-layer fluid: coupling between free surface and interface waves EPL (Europhysics Letters) 116, 64005 (2016)
- Art &
Science Exhibition "Intuitive Spaces",
17/09/2016 to 27/11/2016, Annecy-le-Vieux, France
- Press item: Our last work
highlighted in a Focus on
Fluids article by Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 24 November 2016
- Observation of resonant
interactions among surface gravity wavesJournal of Fluid Mechanics
Rapids 805, R3 (2016)
- Invited Speaker: Statistics of extreme and singular events in spatially
extended systems, July, 11 - 15, 2016, Warwick
University (UK)
- Press item: CNRS Research News "Contrôler les oscillations d’une goutte d’eau grâce à
des nano-particules magnétiques", 24 Oct.
2016, and in Lettre "En direct des labos" 25
Oct.2016 (in French)
- Press item: Web site
Université Paris Diderot, June 16, 2016 "Des
nanoparticules magnétiques pour contrôler
les oscillations d’une goutte d’eau" (in French)
- Press item: , the French
newspaper : "Des étoiles noires sur
commande", Le
Monde, 15 juin 2016, p. 6 (Cahier
Sciences)(in French)
- Tuning
the resonant frequencies of a drop by a magnetic
field Physical Review
Fluids 1,
021901(R) (2016) - Rapid
- Invited Speaker: Workshop on
Abnormal Wave Events, June 15 - 17, 2016, Nice
- Invited Speaker: 14th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference
(ECC16), May
16-19, 2016 Calgary (Canada)
- Invited Speaker: Wave
Interaction 2016 (WIN-2016), 25 - 28 April 2016, Linz
- Experimental study of three-wave interactions among capillary-gravity surface waves, Phys. Rev. E 93, 043110 (2016)
- January 2016: our article PRE 1997 selected in the
collection PRE Milestones
- 68th
Annual meeting of APS DFD, Boston (USA), November 22-24, 2015 - Chair Session Waves: Nonlinear Waves
and Turbulence
- Transition to a
labyrinthine phase in a driven granular medium Phys. Rev. E
92, 062205 (2015)
- Art &
Science Exhibition "Black boxes", 29/09/2015
to 03/01/2016, Vaulx-en-Velin, France
- Press item: 50 years of CNES (French Space
Agency): 50 years of Scientific Results: 2008 Waves on ocean without gravity
- Statistics of the
injected power of a bouncing ball subjected to a
stochastic forcing Phys. Rev. E 92, 032915
- Invited speaker: "Rogue
and shock waves in nonlinear dispersive media",
Cargèse (Corsica), July 6-18 (2015), France
- Role of the
basin boundary conditions in gravity wave
turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics
781, 196 (2015)
- Experiments on generation of
surface waves by an underwater
moving bottom,Proceedings of the Royal
Society A 471, 20150069 (2015)
- 67th Annual meeting
of APS DFD, November 23-25, 2014, San Francisco (USA)
- French Delegate at the General Assembly of IUPAP (International
Union of Pure and Applied Physics), November 5-7, 2014, NTU,
- Press item: CNRS Research News "Comment interagissent les vagues à la surface de l'océan?", 28 August 2014, in Techno-Science.net 18 Sept. 2014, and in Synthèse de Presse CNRS du 19 Sept. 2014
(in French)
- Direct numerical simulations of capillary wave
turbulence, Physical Review Letters 112, 234501 (2014)
- Invited speaker: "Mathematical Hydrodynamics 2014", ENS, June 16-20 (2014),
- Invited speaker: "Workshop on abnormal
wave events", 5-6 June 2014, Nice, France
- EPL article "Magnetic granular gas" selected as one of the highlighted article of 2014 by EPL
- EPL article "Magnetic granular gas" marked as an EPL Editor's
- Transition from a dissipative to a quasi-elastic system
of particles with tunable repulsive
interactions,EPL 106,
44005 (2014)
- Invited speaker: "Wave Interactions (2014)", 23-26 April 2014, Linz, Austria
- Energy flux measurement from the dissipated energy
in capillary wave turbulence, Phys. Rev. E 89,
023003 (2014)
- Space Grains
ESA Topical Team meeting, December 4-5, 2013,
Noordwjijk (Holland)
- Art
& Science Exhibition "Elementary Shapes",
10th October to 1st December 2013, Guyancourt,
- Invited visit: UNAM Mexico (Nov.
- Invited speaker: "XIX Congress
of the Fluid Dynamics Division" at IMTA,
November 13-15, 2013 Mexico City, Mexico
- Experimental study of a granular gas homogeneously driven
by particle rotations, AIP Conf. Proc.
1542, pp. 815-818 (2013)
- Equation of state of a granular gas homogeneously driven by
particle rotations, EPL 103, 64004 (2013)
- Organization of
conference: Nonlinear
hydrodynamic waves: Wave interaction and wave
turbulence, Paris, 19-20 September 2013
- Invited speaker: "Complex Dynamics of Granular Systems" at KITPC, 2 - 8
July, 2013 Pekin, China
- Nonlinear
waves on the surface of a fluid covered by an
elastic sheet, J. Fluid
Mech. 733, 394 (2013)
- Space-Time Resolved Capillary Wave Turbulence, Phys. Rev. E
87, 033003 (2013)
- Gravity Wave
Turbulence Revealed by Horizontal Vibrations of
the Container, Phys.
Rev. E 87, 011001(R) (2013)
Chapter in "Advances In Wave Turbulence" (Ed. V. Shrira,
S. Nazarenko, World Scientific, 2013)
- Press item:, the French newspaper: "Plier des origamis sans les doigts" Le Monde, 19/11/2011, p. 3 by D. Larousserie
- Press item: "Origami
folds with light or a magnetic field" in Inovacao tecnologica (in Portuguese - see here for an english "google" translation)
- Press item: "Magnetic field flips miniature origami" in Physics 4, 93 (2011) by David Lindley
- PRL "Magnetic capillary origami" marked as an PRL Editors' Suggestion
- Instability of
the origami of a ferrofluid drop in a magnetic
field, Physical Review Letters 107, 204503
- Invited speaker: "Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Systems 2011", 5 -10
December, Santiago, Chile
- Experimental
study of the inverse cascade in gravity wave
turbulence, EPL 96, 34004 (2011)
- Appointment as
Senior Researcher at CNRS
- Invited visit: University of
Liège, Liège, Belgium
(May 2011)
- Observation of depth-induced properties in wave turbulence on
the surface of a fluid, EPL 95, 34003 (2011)
- Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid in a
horizontal magnetic field, Physical Review E 83, 046303 (2011)
- Invited visit: University of
Liège, Liège, Belgium
(15 Nov - 3 Dec 2010)
- Two-dimensional spatial statistics of wave turbulence on the
surface of a fluid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 144502
- Invited speaker: Workshop "Wave Turbulence", Les Treilles, Tourtour,
July 12-17, 2010, France
- "El efecto Branly" Investigacion Y Ciencia, p. 80-86 Mayo 2010 (Spain
edition of Scientific American)
- Revealing intermittency in experimental data with steep
power spectra, EPL 90, 5007 (2010)
- Job
opening: One year postdoctoral
position available on Wave Turbulence
- On the origin of intermittency in wave turbulence, EPL 90, 34005 (2010)
- Observation of
axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a
ferrofluid, Physical Review Letters 104, 094502
- A review on laboratory experiments on wave turbulence,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series
B Vol. 13, N°4, 819 - 840 (2010)
- Invited visit: Universidad del
Chile, Santiago, Chile
(20 Sept - 10 Oct. 2009)
- Two-Dimensional
Melting of a Crystal of Ferrofluid Spikes, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 103,
144501 (2009)
- Organization of conference: Wave
Turbulence Workshop, IHP, Paris 6 - 10 April
- Invited speaker: "Oceanography and Mathematics", ENS Paris,
January 26 - 28, 2009, France
- Fluctuations of energy flux in a simple dissipative
out-of-equilibrium system, Phys. Rev. E 79, 041110
- Capillary
wave turbulence on a spherical fluid surface in
low gravity, EPL 86,
14002 (2009)
- Wave
turbulence experiments in zero gravity on board
of the Airbus A-300 ZeroG (see pictures)
- Press item: "Surface waves on ferrofluid become turbulent" in JCE Planet and Rambler Mass Media by Erin Jury (22nd Feb. & 1th March 2009)
- Press item: "The new
wave" in Physics by Jessica Thomas
- PRL "Magnetic wave
turbulence" marked as an PRL Editors' Suggestion
- Experimental studies in
Wave Turbulence HDR Univ. Paris Diderot, 244 pages (in French)
- Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid in
a magnetic field, Physical Review
Letters 101, 244502
- Invited speaker: "6th
International Symposium of Bioscience and Nanotechnology",
7 November 2008, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japon
- Invited speaker: "Wave Turbulence Day", Warwick University, May
20, 2008, United Kingdom
- Fluctuations of energy flux in wave turbulence, Physical Review Letters 100, 064503
- Scaling of AC electrical
conductivity of powders under compression, Phys. Rev. B 77, 075135 (2008)
- Simulations of dense granular gases in zero-gravity, Powder Technology 182, 232
- Observation of intermittency in wave turbulence, Physical Review Letters 98, 154501
- Winner of an
ANR funding 2007 "Turbonde"
(2007-2011) from French
National Research Agency Funding
- Invited speaker: "Warwick Turbulence Symposium 2007", Warwick
University (UK) & Hull University (UK),
Sept. 17-21 (2007), United Kingdom
- Wave
turbulence on a fluid surface, Physical Review Letters 98, 094503
- Effects of
electromagnetic waves on the electrical
properties of contacts between grains, EPL 79, 54001 (2007)
- Some aspects of electrical conduction in granular
systems of various dimensions, Eur. Phys. J. E. 23, 255
- Vibrated
granular matter in a 3-D container in low gravity environment, Europhysics Letters 74,
830 (2006)
- Invited speaker: European Space
Agency Meeting, ESA Headquarters, Paris, France,
November 7, 2006
- L'effet Branly livre ses
secrets / The
secret of Branly effect revealed Pour La Science 340, pp.
58 - 64, Février 2006 (French edition of Scientific
- Propriétés électriques de
la matière granulaire: Bruit et intermittence Bull. Soc. Fr.
Phys., 149,
6 - 9 (2005) (in
- Propriétés électriques de
la matière granulaire: "L'effet Branly continu" Bull. Soc. Fr. Phys., 148, 9 - 12 (2005) (in
- Simulations of vibrated
granular medium with impact velocity dependent
restitution coefficient Physical Review E 71,
031302 (2005)
- Electrical conductivity
in granular media and Branly's coherer: A simple
experiment, Am. J. Phys. 73,
302 (2005)
- Winner of the 2004 Branly
- Press item: "V.I.P.
2004-05 of the Lyons area from the LyonMag magazine" (in French)
- Nonlinear electrical
conductivity in a 1D granular medium, European Physical Journal B 38,
475 (2004)
- Observation
of near-critical reflection of internal waves in
a stably stratified fluid , Physics of Fluids 16, 1936
- ''Turbulent''
electrical transport in Copper powders, Europhysics Letters 65,
186 (2004).
- Vibrated granular media as
experimentally realizable granular gases in "Granular Gas Dynamics",
Vol. 624 of Lectures Notes in
Physics, T. Pöschel and N. V.
Brilliantov (Eds.), Springer, pp. 347 - 366
- Press item: "V.I.P.
2003-04 of the Lyons area from the LyonMag magazine" (in French)
- Observation of
Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface, Physical Review Letters 91,
064502 (2003)
- Granular
the Maxus 5 Sounding
Rocket, successfully launched from
- Press item about our
works on depression solitary surface waves : Physical Review Focus, 29 Oct.
2002 & Pour La Science, Feb. 2003.
- Press item from the European Space Agency "Bronze award for MiniTexus scientist" (see
also here )
- Observation of a
depression solitary surface waves on a thin
fluid layer Physical Review
Letters 89,
204501, 2002