

Non Linear Physics Group - Eric Falcon


Solitons, Solitary waves and Nonlinear waves  (papers by our group)

Depression KdV solitary wave

160 years after the first observation of a solitary wave hump (positive) on the surface of water and modelled by Korteweg and De Vries (KdV) equation, we observed experimentally for the first time a KdV solitary wave of depression type (negative). It was nevertheless known since 1895 that dispersion could change sign, and thus the shape of the wave (positive or negative) if the effect of the surface tension is important. These results were widely commented in the scientific press.    MORE and papers

Axisymmetric solitons

Solitary waves or solitons are localized nonlinear waves that propagate almost without deformation due to the balance between the nonlinearity and the dispersion. Solitons are ubiquitous in hydrodynamics, optics and condensed matter. However, most of them propagates within a quasi-one-dimensional plane system. Observation of axisymmetric solitary waves is much more scarce. We have designed an experiment to observe axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a cylindrical magnetic fluid layer. Generally, in a usual fluid, a cylindrical fluid layer is unstable and droplets appear (Rayleigh-Plateau instability). By using a ferrofluid (a colloidal suspension of magnetic nanoparticles), it is possible to stabilize this cylindrical fluid layer. To wit, a metallic tube carrying an electrical current creates a magnetic field which stabilizes the cylindrical layer of ferrofluid around the tube due to the magnetic centripetal force. Both the shape and the speed of the solitary waves are modified by the strength of the magnetic field. Such a system allows us to observe for the first time the axisymmetric magnetic solitary waves predicted theoretically in the 80s. The study of collisions between these new type of solitary waves should be of particular interest.    MORE and papers

Rogue waves
  We have achieved to generate an inverse cascade regime of surface-gravity wave turbulence in a large-scale basin (50 m x 30 m and 5 m in depth) [see PRL2020]. Such wave fields are valuable for the study of rogue waves since the random waves involved in their dynamics are generated by the nonlinear wave interactions rather than directly forced by a wave maker. We have then reported statistics of thousands of rogue waves in a large-scale basin and demonstrated that some of their properties crucially depend on four-wave resonant interactions (large crests being for instance more likely than predicted by second-order models) [see JFM2022].

Solitons and integrable turbulence
  We have performed several campaigns within a 150 m long wave channel at ECN, Nantes, France, to experimentally test various aspects related to integrable turbulence, i.e., non-equilibrium, stationary theoretical states arising from the dynamics of a random initial condition within an integrable equation. We have obtained the first controlled synthesis of a dense gas of solitons in deep-water random surface gravity waves, using the tools of nonlinear spectral theory (inverse scattering transform - IST) for the one-dimensional focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS). The soliton gas is experimentally generated in a 150-m long water tank instrumented with twenty wave elevation gauges. The obtained results represent the first crucial step for the experimental validation of the kinetic theory of soliton gases, and pave the way for further studies in nonlinear optics, superfluid or oceanography [see PRL2020b].

We also reported the first observation of the emergence of Peregrine solitons within an ensemble of 1D hydrodynamic random waves and provided their statistics [see PRF2018b] and [PRF2020b]. To do this, we sent random waves into the 150-m long water tank for five hours. We are now able to control the point of appearance of the Peregrine soliton, in space and time, by employing inverse scattering transform (IST) for the synthesis of the initial data [see PRF2022].

The nonlinear dispersion relation of unidirectional nonlinear random gravity waves was also measured experimentally and provided signatures of the deviation from integrable turbulence for the 1D NLS equation [see SciRep2022]. We also observed the theoretically predicted dispersive shock wave regime arising from the destabilization of a nonlinear wave packet [see PRF2020a].

Nonlinear waves and solitons along a torus of fluid
  By means of an original technique, we achieved experimentally to form a stable torus of liquid and to report the resonance frequencies of a torus of liquid [see PRL2019]. By improving the technique, we have reported the full dispersion relation of azimuthal waves along a torus of fluid [see PRL2021]. We have also reported the observation of nonlinear three-wave resonant interactions between two different branches of the dispersion relation, namely the gravity-capillary and sloshing modes [see PRE2023].

For a stronger and impulsion forcing, we reported the observation of new Korteweg–deVries type solitons, due to the periodicity of the torus, with significant differences compared to the classical rectilinear geometry (see EPL2022). In particular, we highlight the observation of unreported subsonic elevation solitons, and a nonlinear dependence of the soliton velocity on its amplitude.

Sommerfeld precursors
 One feature of the propagation of linear waves in dispersive medium is the existence of precursors (or forerunners). This terminology traces back to the fact that they generally arrive earlier than the main signal. This transient response is due to the propagation of the fastest high frequency components of the spectrum of the initial excitation. Although predicted since 1914 by Sommerfeld and Brillouin, the experimental observations remain rare and qualitative, and relate to mainly the electromagnetic waves in a dielectric medium.

We observed two types of Sommerfeld precursors on the surface of a layer of mercury. They are interpreted within the framework of the analysis first introduced by Sommerfeld and Brillouin. This study also makes it possible to connect the precursor concept of electromagnetic waves to the well-known transient phenomena of hydrodynamic surface waves, and their applications to the submarine eruptions.  MORE and papers

Solitary waves in a chain of beads  
Dynamical behaviors linked to the contact between beads (Hertz contact):  
Collective processes of collisions (see EPJB1998) and solitary waves propagation (see PRE1997) in granular media.

PUBLICATIONS on solitons, solitary waves and nonlinear waves:
For wave turbulence papers (click here)

Surface waves on a fluid:

27. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2024
     submitted to Physical Review Letters (2024)
     Soliton Dynamics over a Disordered Topography

26. G. Ricard, F. Novkoski, and E. Falcon 2024
     Nature Communications 15, 5726 (2024)
     Anderson localization of nonlinear surface gravity waves

25. L. Fache, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, F. Copie, F. Novkoski, G. Ricard, G. Roberti, E. Falcon, P. Suret, G. El, and S. Randoux 2024    Editor's suggestion
     Physical Review E 109, 03427 (2024)
     Interaction of soliton gases in deep-water surface gravity waves

24. F. Novkoski, E. Falcon, and C.T. Pham 2023
     The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1146 (2023)
     A numerical direct scattering method for the periodic sine-Gordon equation

23. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2023
     Physical Review E 108, 045106 (2023)
     Experimental evidence of random shock-wave intermittency

22. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2023
  Physical Review Fluids 8, 014804 (2023)
Transition from wave turbulence to acousticlike shock-wave regime

21. J. Fillette, S. Fauve, and E. Falcon 2022
  Physical Review Fluids 7, 124801 (2022)
  Axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves on the surface of a fluid

20. F. Novkoski, C.-T. Pham, and E. Falcon2022
 Europhysics Letters 139, 53003 (2022)
 Experimental observation of periodic Korteweg-de Vries solitons along a torus of fluid

19. G. Michel, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, and E. Falcon 2022  
  Journal of Fluid Mechanics 943, A26 (2022)
  Statistics of rogue waves in isotropic wave fields

18.  A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, G. Roberti, G. El, A. Tovbis, G. Ducrozet, A. Cazaubiel, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, F. Copie, E. Falcon, S. Randoux, and P. Suret, 2022
  Physical Review Fluids 7, 054401 (2022)
  Prediction and manipulation of hydrodynamic rogue waves via nonlinear spectral engineering

17. A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, F. Copie, S. Randoux, and P. Suret, 2022
      Scientific Reports 12, 10386 (2022)
      Nonlinear dispersion relation in integrable turbulence

16. P. Suret, A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, F. Copie, G. Ducrozet, A. Gelash, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El, & S. Randoux 2020
      Physical Review Letters 125, 264101 (2020)
      Nonlinear spectral synthesis of soliton gas in deep-water surface gravity waves

15. G. Michel, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, G. Prabhudesai, A. Cazaubiel, F. Copie, A. Tikan, P. Suret, S. Randoux & E. Falcon 2020
      Physical Review Fluids 5, 082801(R) (2020) - Rapid Communication
      Emergence of Peregrine solitons in integrable turbulence of deep water gravity waves

14. M. F. Bonnefoy, A. Tikan, F. Copie, P. Suret, G. Ducrozet, G. Pradehusai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El & S. Randoux 2019
      Physical Review Fluids 5, 034802 (2020)
      From modulation instability to focusing dam breaks in water waves

13. A. Cazaubiel, G. Michel, S. Lepot, B. Semin, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu, F. Bonnefoy & E. Falcon 2018
      Physical Review Fluids 3, 114802 (2018)
      Coexistence of solitons and extreme events in deep water surface waves

T. Jamin, L. Gordillo, G. Ruiz Chavarria, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2015
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 20150069 (2015)
Experiments on generation of surface waves by an underwater moving bottom

11.L. Deike, J.-C. Bacri & E. Falcon 2013
      Nonlinear waves on the surface of a fluid covered by an elastic sheet
      Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733, 394 (2013)

10. E. Bourdin, J.-C. Bacri & E. Falcon 2010
Observation of axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a ferrofluid,
       Physical Review Letters 104, 094502 (2010)

9. E. Falcon, C. Laroche & S. Fauve 2003
        Observation of Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface
        Physical Review Letters 91, 064502 (2003)

8. E. Falcon, C. Laroche & S. Fauve 2003
        Observation d'ondes solitaires dépressions à la surface d'une fine couche de fluide
        in 6e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2003, Non Linéaire Pub., Orsay, pp. 119-124, (2003) (in french).

7. E. Falcon, C. Laroche & S. Fauve 2002                                                  Physics
        Observation of a depression solitary surface waves on a thin fluid layer
        Physical Review Letters 89, 204501 (2002)

Internal Waves:

6. L. Gostiaux,  T. Dauxois, E. Falcon, & N. Garnier 2005
        Mesure quantitative de gradients de densité en fluides stratifiés bi-dimensionnels
        Actes du Colloque FLUVISU 11, 7-9 Juin 2005 ECL, Ecully, France (2005) (in French)

5. L. Gostiaux,  T. Dauxois & E. Falcon 2005
        Réflexion critique d'ondes internes de gravité en fluides stratifiés
         in 8e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2005, Non Linéaire Pub., Orsay, pp. 103-108 (2005) (in french)

T. Dauxois, A. Didier & E. Falcon 2004
        Observation of near-critical reflection of internal waves in a stably stratified fluid
        Physics of Fluids 16, 1936-1941 (2004)

In granular chain:

3. E. Falcon 1997
Comportements dynamiques associés au contact de Hertz : processus collectifs de collision et propagation d'ondes solitaires dans les milieux granulaires.
PhD Thesis Université Lyon I / ENS Lyon (1997) (in french).

2. C. Coste, E. Falcon & S. Fauve 1997
Solitary waves in a chain of beads under Hertz contact.
Physical Review E 56, 6104-6117 (1997).

1. C. Coste, E. Falcon & S. Fauve 1995
Propagations d'ondes non-linéaires dans une chaîne de billes en contact de Hertz.
in C. Petit, G. Pijaudier-Cabot & J.-M. Reynouard (Eds.),
Des géomatériaux aux ouvrages : expérimentations et modélisations, 33-52. Hermes, Paris (1995) (in french).


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