Observation of the Resonance Frequencies of a Stable Torus of Fluid

Claude Laroche1, Jean-Claude Bacri2, Martin Devaud2, Timothée Jamin3 and Eric Falcon2

1Laroche Laboratory, Rue de la Madeleine, F-69 007 Lyon, France
2Université Paris Diderot, Université de Paris, MSC, UMR 7057 CNRS, F-75 013 Paris, France
3Université de Lyon, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, Lab. de Physique  & UPMA, F-69342 Lyon, France       

Reference: Physical Review Letters 123, 094502 (2019)  Editor's

URL: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.094502
DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.094502

Abstract:  We report the first quantitative measurements of the resonance frequencies of a torus of fluid confined in a horizontal Hele-Shaw cell. By using the unwetting property of a metal liquid, we are able to generate a stable torus of fluid with an arbitrary aspect ratio. When subjected to vibrations, the torus displays azimuthal patterns at its outer periphery. These lobes oscillate radially, and their number n depends on the forcing frequency. We report the instability ``tongues'' of the patterns up to n=25. These resonance frequencies are well explained by adapting to a fluid torus the usual drop model of Lord Rayleigh. This approach could be applied to the modeling of large-scale structures arisen transiently in vortex rings in various domains.

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Press items:
PhysOrg.Logo "The first observation od a stable torus of fluid's resonance frequencies" Phys.Org, 13 September 2019 by I. Fadelli (Article in PDF)

cnrs CNRS Research News "Stabilization of a fluid ring", 14 October 2019, by Martin Koppe (in french)
cnrs in CNRS Lettre "En direct des labos" 15 October 2019, Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS 16 Oct. 2019

  P7  "How to make a fluid ring stable?", University of Paris Web Site, 6 Sept. 2019  (in french)

LogoMSCLab  "Observation de modes stables d'un tore de fluide", MSC Laboratory Web Site, 17 Oct. 2019 (in french)

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