Centre Emile Borel


  • T. DAUXOIS (ENS Lyon & CNRS) 
  • E. DORMY (ENS/IPGP- Paris)
  • E. FALCON (Université Paris Diderot - CNRS)
  • S. FAUVE (ENS/LPS - Paris)
  • F. PETRELIS ENS/LPS - Paris)

Wave Turbulence


6-10 April 2009

  • O. ALEXANDROVA (Univ. of Cologne)
  • S. AUMAITRE (CEA - Saclay/SPEC)
  • A. BARBARIT (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
  • C. CONNAUGHTON (Univ. of Warwick)
  • F. DIAS (CMLA, ENS Cachan)
  • E. FALCON (Univ. Paris Diderot - MSC)
  • S. GALTIER (Univ. Paris-Sud/IAS/IUF)
  • R. GRAPPIN (Observatoire de Paris)
  • C. JOSSERAND (Institut JLR D'Alembert)
  • L. MAAS (NIOZ & Utrecht University)
  • S. NAZARENKO (Warwick University)
  • A. NEWELL (Univ. of Arizona)
  • M. ONORATO (Univ. di Torino)
  • B. RUMPF (TU Chemnitz, Physics Institute)
  • J. SAUR (Univ. of Cologne)
  • N. SCHAEFFER (Univ. Joseph Fourier)
  • M. VERMA (IIT, Kanpur)

Institut Henri Poincaré - IHP
Amphitheater Darboux - 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris - France

A workshop on "Wave Turbulence" has been held at the Institut Henri Poincaré on 8, 9 and 10 April 2009 by the GDR Phenix.
It covered the theoretical and experimental aspects of this area and applications in astrophysics and oceanography.


Monday April 6th    

10.00 - 12.00   Course on "Wave Turbulence" by S. Nazarenko        
14.00 - 16.00   Course on "Wave Turbulence" by S. Nazarenko                    

Tuesday April 7th

10.00 - 12.00   Course on "Wave Turbulence" by S. Nazarenko        
14.00 - 16.00   Course on "Wave Turbulence" by S. Nazarenko               

Wednesday April 8th

10.00 - 12.00   Course on "Wave Turbulence" by S. Nazarenko        

14.00 - 14.35   Alan NEWELL: The role of the generalized Phillips' spectrum in wave turbulence.
14.35 - 15.10   Sergio RICA: Breakdown of weak-turbulence and nonlinear wave condensation.
15.10 - 15.45   Frédéric DIAS: Wave turbulence in 1D systems. Application to surface waves.

15.45 - 16.15   Coffee Break

16.15 - 16.50   Benno RUMPF: Evolution of quasisolitons in wave turbulence.
16.50 - 17.20   Colm CONNAUGHTON: Dynamical Solutions of the 3-Wave Kinetic Equation.

Thursday April 9th

09.00 - 09.35   Sébastien AUMAITRE: Fluctuations of energy flux in wave turbulence and other dissipative systems driven far from equilibrium.
09.35 - 10.10   Christophe JOSSERAND: Wave turbulence in plate dynamics : can we hear a Kolmogorov spectrum ?
10.10 - 10.45   Olivier CADOT: Experimental study of wave turbulence in a plate set into chaotic vibration.

10.45 - 11.15   Coffee Break

11.15 - 11. 50   Nicolas MORDANT: Observation of wave turbulence in an elastic plate.
11. 50 - 12.25   Thierry ALBOUSSIERE: Liquid sodium, turbulence and Alfven waves.

12.25 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 14.35   Alexandros ALEXAKIS: Cascades in MHD turbulence.
14.35 - 15.10   Roland GRAPPIN: MHD wave turbulence : numerical results.
15.10 - 15.45   Joachim SAUR: Wave turbulence in the magnetosphere of Jupiter.

15.45 - 16.15 Coffee Break

16.15 - 16.50   Sébastien GALTIER: Alfven wave turbulence : new results with applications to astrophysics.
16.50 - 17.20   Mahendra VERMA: Bifurcations and chaos in Rayleigh-Bénard convection.

Friday April 10th

09.00 - 09.30   Miguel ONORATO: Weak turbulence in the direct cascade of the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
09.35 - 10.10   Olga ALEXANDROVA: Turbulence behind collisionless shocks and Alfvén vortices.
10.10 - 10.45   Leo MAAS: Wave attractors in stratified and rotating fluids.

10.45 - 11.15   Coffee Break

11.15 - 11.50   Fabien GODEFERD: Inertial waves dynamics in rotating homogeneous turbulence.
11.50 - 12.25   Nathanael SCHAEFFER: Quasi-geostrophic MHD waves in the Earth core.

12.25 - 14.00   Lunch

14.00 - 14.35   Eric FALCON: Wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid.
14.35 - 15.10   Aurélien BARBARIT: Introduction to wave energy conversion.

More informations