Tuning the resonant frequencies of a drop by a magnetic field

 T. Jamin, Y. Djama, J.-C. Bacri and E. Falcon
Univ Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Cité, MSC, CNRS, UMR 7057, F-75 013 Paris, France


Reference: Physical Review Fluids 1, 021901(R) (2016) - Rapid Communication

URL: http://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.021901
DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.021901
PACS: Magnetic fluids and ferrofluids, Drops and bubbles, Capillary waves


We report an experimental study of a magnetic liquid drop deposited on a superhydrophobic substrate and subjected to vertical vibrations in presence of a static magnetic field. It is well-known that a flattened drop of usual liquid displays oscillating lobes at its periphery when vibrated. By adding ferromagnetic nanoparticles to a water drop and varying the strength of the magnetic field, we are experimentally able to efficiently tune the resonant frequencies of the drop. By using conservation energy arguments, we show that the magnetic field contribution is equivalent to adding an effective negative surface tension to the drop. Our model is found in good agreement with the experiments with no fitting parameter.

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See also press items from:

LogoLemonde French newspaper "Le Monde", June 15, 2016, "Cahier Sciences & Médecine " p. 6 by "Des étoiles noires sur commande" (in french)

cnrsCNRS Research News "Contrôler les oscillations d’une goutte d’eau grâce à des nano-particules magnétiques", 24 October 2016,

                                  Paris Diderot Web site Université Paris Diderot, June 16, 2016 "Des nanoparticules magnétiques pour contrôler les oscillations d’une goutte d’eau" (in french)

CNRS logo Electronic Letter "En direct des labos" 25 October 2016 (in french)

CNRS Logo Tweeter_@INSIS_CNRS 25 October 2016 (in french)


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