Energy flux measurement from the dissipated energy

in capillary wave turbulence

L. Deike, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon
Univ Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Cité, MSC, CNRS, UMR 7057, F-75 013 Paris, France, EU

Reference:  Physical Review E 89, 023003 (2014)

DOI:   10.1103/PhysRevE.89.023003


We study experimentally the influence of dissipation on stationary capillary wave turbulence on the surface of a liquid by changing its viscosity. We observe that the frequency power-law scaling of the capillary spectrum departs significantly from its theoretical value when the dissipation is increased. The energy dissipated by capillary waves is also measured and found to increase nonlinearly with the mean power injected within the liquid. Here we propose an experimental estimation of the energy flux at every scale of the capillary cascade. The latter is found to be nonconstant through the scales. For fluids of low enough viscosity, we found that both capillary spectrum scalings with the frequency and the newly defined mean energy flux are in good agreement with wave turbulence theory. The Kolmogorov-Zakharov constant is then experimentally estimated and compared to its theoretical value.

PACS : 47.35.-i   Hydrodynamic waves
             05.45.-a  Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
            47.52.+j   Chaos in fluid dynamics
            47.27.-i    Turbulent flows

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