
Permanent staff

Eric Falcon

Samuel Boury

Jean-Baptiste Gorce

 DR CNRS - Senior Scientist
CR CNRS (Associate)
CR CNRS (Associate)

Eric Falcon
S. Boury J.-B. Gorce



PhD students
Marlone Vernet
Samantha Kucher
    Filip Novkoski    
     Jason Barckicke
Postdoc Postdoc Ph.D. student Ph.D. student                    
Tanu Singla
Samantha Kücher

Filip Novkoski
Jason Barckicke

Current and alumni members 
PhD students
2024 - 2027: Jason Barckicke     Dynamics of Kelvin waves along a free-surface vortex ED Paris Ile-De-France
2021 - 2024: Filip Novkoski        Nonlinear waves on the surface of a torus of fluid and integrability CDSN ENS Paris
2020 - 2023: Guillaume Ricard   Wave turbulence, transition to a shock wave regime, intermittency, and Anderson localization - PDF file
                                                      Winner of Labex SEAM 2024 Thesis Prize
2019 - 2023: Jules Fillette           Focusing dynamics of axisymmetric waves on the surface of a fluid - PDF file AP ENS Paris
2017 - 2020: Annette Cazaubiel  Nonlinear dynamics and cascade in turbulences: hydrodynamic turbulence, wave turbulence and integrable                                                        turbulence - PDF file CDSN ENS Paris
2013 - 2016: Simon Merminod    Self-organization of vibrated and magnetized particles: structure, dynamics and transitions -  PDF file ED Paris-Ile-de-France
2012 - 2015: Thimotée Jamin      Interactions between free-surface waves and hydrodynamic flows -  PDF file DGA / CNRS
2010 - 2013: Luc Deike                Experimental and numerical studies of wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid -  PDF file ED Paris-Ile-de-France
2005 - 2008: Claudio Falcón       Fluctuations of energy flux in out of equilibrium dissipative systems - PDF file ECOS Chile
2003 - 2006: Mathieu Creyssels  Electrical transport properties in granular media - PDF file

2024 - 2025: Marlone Vernet
Simons Foundation
2024 - 2025: Samantha Kucher
ANR SoGood
2022 - 2023: Tanu Singla
Simons Foundation
2021 - 2022: Jean-Baptiste Gorce
Simons Foundation
2020 - 2021: Jean-Baptiste Gorce  ANR Dysturb
2017 : Eric Opsomer
Prodex ESA
2017 : Timothée Jamin  DGA
2015 : Eric Opsomer  Liège University
2015 - 2016: Florence Haudin  ANR Turbulon
2012 - 2014: Leonardo Gordillo  AXA Funds
2010 - 2011: Bruno Issenmann
2008 - 2009: Eric Herbert  ANR Turbonde
2006 - 2007: Umberto Bortolozzo
Ville de Paris
2005 - 2006: Alexandre Merlen
Lecturer ENS Lyon
2005 : Stéphane Dorbolo
Liège University and FNRS

Master students (M2)
2023: Jason Barckicke, Experimental dispersion relation of Kelvin waves along a free-surface vortex
2021: Filip Novkoski (M2), Nonlinear waves on the surface of a torus of fluid
2020: Guillaume Ricard, From dispersive to nondispersive wave turbulence on the surface of a magnetic fluid
2020: Filip Novkoski (M1), Dispersion relation on the surface of a torus of fluid
2018: Jules Fillette, Focalisation of circular waves on the surface of a fluid
2016: Annette Cazaubiel, Generation of free surface deformations by an immerged fluid jet
2013: Simon Merminod, Magnetic granular gas
2010: Timothée Jamin, Instability of the origami of a ferrofluid drop in a magnetic fluid
2010: Luc Deike, Wave turbulence
2009: Elise Bourdin, Axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a ferrofluid
2008: François Boyer, Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid
2003: Mathieu Creyssels, Electrical transport in granular media: an AC study.
2002: Anthony Didier, Near-critical reflection of internal waves in a stably stratified fluid.
2001: Lucas Levrel, Frequency dependance of the electrical conductivity in a 1D granular medium.
1999: François Pétrélis, Parametric stabilization of the Rosensweig instability
1998: Anne Cros, Restitution coefficient in a low velocity regime.

Bachelor students (L3)
2023: Auriane Lebon,
2014: Florian Nguyen, Nonlinear surface waves on a fluid generated by a moving bottom
2014: Annette Cazaubiel, Three-wave interaction on the surface of a fluid
2013: Yacine Djama, Vibration modes of a drop
2012: Mathieu Leclerc, Wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid

Invited people
2019 - 2020: Evgueny A. Kochurin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia) Simons Foundation (USA)
2014: Arshad Kudrolli (Clark University, Worcester, USA) University Paris Diderot
2011 - 2012: Gerardo Ruiz-Chavarría (UNAM, Mexico)
Senior grant from Research in Paris 2011
2011: Claudio Falcón (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile) University Paris Diderot
2008: Stéphane Dorbolo (Université de Liège, Belgium)
University Paris Diderot

Collaborators and co-authors  
S. Aumaître
CEA Paris, France
J.-C. Bacri Université Paris Cité, France
K. M. S. Bajaj
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
T. Baumberger
Université Paris Cité, France
M. Berhanu
Université Paris Cité, France
D. Beysens CEA Grenoble, France
J. K. Bhattacharjee Indian Instit of Technology Kanpur (IITK), India
U. Bortolozzo INLN, Université Côtes d'Azur, France
F. Bonnefoy
LHEEA, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
L. Bureau LiPhy, Université de Grenoble, France
M. Busson
B. Castaing
ENS Lyon, France
G. Castillo
Universidad de O’Higgins, Rancagua, Chile
A. Cazaubiel
University of Olso, Norway
C. Coste
Université Paris Cité, France
M. Creyssels LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
L. Deike
Princeton University, USA
A. Didier
Vienne, France
S. Dorbolo
Liège, Belgium
G. Ducrozet LHEEA, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
T. Dauxois
ENS Lyon, France
G. El
Northumbria University, UK
P. Evesque
Ecole Centrale de Paris, France
C. Falcón University of Santiago, Chile
S. Fauve
ENS Paris, France
J. Fillette
High school teacher, Union of the Comoros
D. Fuster
IJLRA, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
N. Garnier
ENS Lyon, France
Y. Garrabos
ICMCB Bordeaux, France
P. Gutiérrez Universidad de O’Higgins, Rancagua, Chile
F. Haudin
E. Herbert LIED, Université Paris Cité, France
T. Humbert
LAUM, Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
B. Issenmann ILM, Université Lyon I, France
T. Jamin Media Free Lance
E. Kochurin
Yekaterinburg, Russia
K. Kumar
Indian Institut of Technology Kanpur (IITK), India
C. Laroche
Université de Paris, France
C. Lecoutre
ICMCB Bordeaux, France
S. Lepot
CEA Saclay, France
A. Merlen
Université de Toulon, France
S. Merminod
Harvard University, USA
G. Michel
Sorbonne Université, Jean Le Rond D'Alembert, France
B. Miquel LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
N. Mordant Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
J. Moukhtar Université Paris Cité, France
S. McNamara
University of Rennes, France
M. Noirhomme
University of Liège, Belgium
E. Opsomer
University of Liège, Belgium
Y. Pan
University of Michigan, USA
B. Perrin
Université Paris 6, France
F. Pétrélis
ENS Paris, France
C.-T. Pham LISN, Université Paris Saclay, France
G. Prabhudesai UCLA, USA
C. Py Université Paris Cité, France
S. Randoux
Université de Lille, France
S. Roux
ENS Lyon, France
G. Ruiz-Chavarría UNAM, Mexico, Mexico
B. Semin PMMH, ESPCI, France
R. Stannarius Magdeburg University, Germany
P. Suret Université de Lille, France
A. Tikan EPFL, Swiss
N. Vandewalle
University of Liège, Belgium
J. J W. A. van Loon
Amsterdam University, The Netherlands
N. Zubarev
Yekaterinburg, Russia


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