(In a reverse chronological order)

J.-B. Gorce and E. Falcon 2023
      Physical Review E 107, 034903 (2023)
      Statistics of a two-dimensional immersed granular gas magnetically forced in volume

38. M. Berhanu, S. Merminod, G. Castillo, and E. Falcon 2022  
      Proceedings of The Royal Society A 478, 20220014 (2022)
      Wave spectroscopy in a driven granular material
M. Noirhomme, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, D. Fischer, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre-Chabot, S. Mawet, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, S. Pillitteri, and N. Vandewalle 2021
      Physical Review Letters 126, 128002 (2021)
      Particle dynamics at the onset of the granular gas-liquid transition

36. D. Puzyrev, D. Fischer, K. Harth, T. Trittel, R. C. Hidalgo, E. Falcon, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, N. Vandewalle, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre, F. Palencia & R. Stannarius 2021
Scientific Reports 11, 10621 (2021)
Visual analysis of density and velocity profiles in dense 3D granular gases

35. E. Opsomer, S. Merminod, J. Schockmel, N. Vandewalle, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2020
Physical Review E 102, 042907 (2020)

Patterns in magnetic granular media at the crossover from two to three dimensions

34. G. Castillo, S. Merminod, E. Falcon & M. Berhanu 2020
      Physical Review E 101, 032903 (2020)
  Tuning the distance to equipartition by controlling the collision rate in a driven granular gas experiment

33. M. Noirhomme, A. Cazaubiel, A. Darras, E. Falcon, D. Fischer, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre-Chabot, S. Merminod, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, J. Schockmel, R. Stannarius & N. Vandewalle 2018
      Threshold of gas-like to clustering transition in driven granular media in low-gravity environment
      EPL (Europhysics Letters) 123, 14003 (2018)
32. S. Aumaître, R. P. Behringer, A. Cazaubiel, E. Clément, J. Crassous, D. J. Durian, E. Falcon, S.  Fauve, D. Fischer, A. Garcimartin, Y. Garrabos, M. Hou, X. Jia, C. Lecoutre,
      S. Luding, D. Mazza, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, T. Pöschel, J. Schockmel, M. Schröter, M. Sperl, R. Stannarius, N. Vandewalle & P. Yu 2018
       An instrument for studying granular media in low-gravity environment
      Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 075103 (2018)

31. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri & C. Laroche, 2017
      Dissipated power within a turbulent flow forced homogeneously by magnetic particles
      Physical Review Fluids 2, 102601(R) (2017) - Rapid Communication

30. M. Creyssels, C. Laroche,
E. Falcon & B. Castaing 2017         EPJE Highlight
       Pressure dependence of the electrical transport in granular materials
       European Physical Journal E 40, 56 (2017)

29. E. Opsomer, M. Noirhomme, N. Vandewalle, E. Falcon & S. Merminod 2017

       Segregation and pattern formation in dilute granular media under microgravity conditions
       Nature PJ Microgravity 3, 1 (2017) - Brief Comm. (
S. Merminod, T. Jamin,
E. Falcon and M. Berhanu 2015
Transition to a labyrinthine phase in a driven granular medium
       Physical Review E 92, 062205 (2015)

A. Garcia-Cid, P. Gutiérrez, C. Falcón, S. Aumaître, & E. Falcon 2015
       Statistics of injected power on a bouncing ball in a randomly accelerating piston
       Physical Review E 92, 032915 (2015)
26. Merminod, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 106, 44005 (2014) Editor's choice
     Transition from a dissipative to a quasi-elastic system of particles with tunable repulsive interactions

25. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri & C. Laroche 2013
      Equation of state of a granular gas homogeneously driven by particle rotations
AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 815-818 (2013)

24. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri & C. Laroche 2013
      Equation of state of a granular gas homogeneously driven by particle rotations
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 103, 64004 (2013)

3. M. Creyssels, E. Falcon & B. Castaing 2008
Scaling of AC electrical conductivity of powders under compression,
Physical Review B 77, 075135  (2008)

22. S. McNamara
& E. Falcon 2008
Simulation of dense granular gases in zero gravity with
with impact-velocity-dependent restitution coefficient
Powder Technology 182, 232 (2008)

21. Dorbolo S., Merlen A., Creyssels M., Vandewalle N., Castaing B. & Falcon E. 2007
        Effects of electromagnetic waves on the electrical properties of contacts between grains,
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 79, 54001 (2007)

20. Creyssels M. , Dorbolo S., Merlen A., Laroche C., Castaing B. & Falcon E. 2007
        Some aspects of electrical conduction in granular systems of various dimensions,
European Physical Journal E 23, 255 (2007)

19. Leconte, M., Garrabos, Y., Falcon, E., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Palencia, F., Evesque, P. & Beysens, D.
Microgravity experiments on vibrated granular gases in a dilute regime: non-classical statistics
        Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, P07012 (2006)
18. Falcon, E., Aumaître, S., Evesque, P., Palencia, F., Chabot, C., Fauve, S., Beysens, D. & Garrabos, Y. 2006:
Collision statistics in a dilute granular gas fluidized by vibrations in low gravity.
Europhysics Letters 74, 830 (2006)
17. Falcon, E.  & Castaing, B. 2006
            L'effet Branly livre ses secrets,

            Pour La Science 340, pp. 58 - 64, Février 2006
(in french)
16. Falcon, E. & Castaing, B. 2005:
Electrical properties of granular matter: From "Branly effect" to intermittency"
in Powders & Grains 2005, R.García-Rojo, H.J. Herrmann & S. McNamara, Eds. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 323 - 327 (2005)
15. McNamara, S. & Falcon, E. 2005:
Simulations of vibrated granular medium with impact velocity dependent restitution coefficient
Physical Review E 71, 031302 (2005)
14. Falcon, E.  & Castaing, B. 2005:
        Electrical conductivity in granular media and Branly's coherer: A simple experiment
         American Journal of Physics 73, 302 - 307 (2005)

13. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Creyssels, M. 2004:
Nonlinear electrical conductivity in a 1D granular medium
European Physical Journal B 38, 475 - 483 (2004)

12. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Laroche, C. 2004:
''Turbulent'' electrical transport in Copper powders
Europhysics Letters 65, 186 - 192 (2004)  

11. McNamara, S. & Falcon, E. 2003:
Vibrated granular media as experimentally realizable granular gases
in "Granular Gas Dynamics", Vol. 624 of Lectures Notes in Physics, T. Pöschel and  N. V. Brilliantov (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, p. 347 - 366 (2003).
10. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 2001:
An experimental study of a granular gas fluidized by vibrations.
in "Granular Gases", Vol. 564 of Lectures Notes in Physics, T. Pöschel and  S. Luding (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 244-253 (2001)

9. Kumar, K., Falcon, E., Bajaj, K. M. S., & Fauve, S. 1999:
Shape of convective cell in Faraday experiment with fine granular materials
Physica A 270, 97-104 (1999)
8. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 1999:
Experimental determination of a state equation for dissipative granular gases.
Journal de Chimie Physique 96, 1111-1116 (1999)
7. Falcon, E., Wunenburger, R., Evesque, P., Fauve, S., Chabot, C., Garrabos, Y. & Beysens, D. 1999:
Cluster formation in a granular medium fluidized by vibrations in low gravity.
Physical Review Letters 83, 440-444 (1999)
6. Falcon, E., Fauve, S. & Laroche, C. 1999:
Cluster formation, pressure and density measurements in a granular medium fluidized by vibrations.
European Physical Journal B 9, 183-186 (1999)
5. Falcon, E. , Kumar, K., Bajaj, K. M. S. & Bhattacharjee, J. K. 1999:
Heap corrugation and hexagon formation of powder under vertical vibrations.
Physical Review E 59, 5, 5716-5720 (1999)
4. Falcon, E. , Laroche, C., Fauve, S. & Coste, C. 1998:
Collision of a 1-D column of beads with a wall.
European Physical Journal B 5, 111-131 (1998)
3. Falcon, E. , Laroche, C., Fauve, S. & Coste, C. 1998:
Behavior of one inelastic ball bouncing repeatedly off the ground.
European Physical Journal B 3, 45-57 (1998)
2. Falcon, E. 1997:
Comportements dynamiques associés au contact de Hertz : processus collectifs de collision et propagation d'ondes solitaires dans les milieux granulaires.
PhD Thesis Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (1997) (in french).
1. Coste, C., Falcon, E. & Fauve, S. 1997:
Solitary waves in a chain of beads under Hertz contact.
Physical Review E 56, 6104-6117 (1997)

Others :
6. Creyssels, M., Falcon, E. & Castaing, B. 2005:
        Bruit et intermittence du transport électrique dans les milieux granulaires
        in 8ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2005, Non Linéaire Publications, Orsay, pp. 55-60 (2005) (in french)

5. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Creyssels, M.  2005:
        Propriétés électriques de la matière granulaire: Bruit et intermittence 
       Bulletin de la Société Française de Physique, 149, 6 - 9 (2005) (in french)
4. Falcon, E., Castaing, B.  2005:
        Propriétés électriques de la matière granulaire: "L'effet Branly continu" 
        Bulletin de la Société Française de Physique, 148, 9 - 12  (2005) (in french).
3. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Creyssels, M. 2004:
        Transport électrique non linéaire dans les milieux granulaires 1D        
        in 7ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2004, Non Linéaire Publications, Orsay, pp. 97-102 (2004) (in french).

2. Évesque, P., Falcon, E., Wunenburger, R., Fauve, S., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Garrabos, Y. & Beysens, D. 2001:
Gas-cluster transition of granular matter under vibration in microgravity.
in Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microgravity Research and Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Sorrento (Italy), Sept. 10 - 15, 2000, European Space Agency SP-454 (Ed.), pp. 829-834 (2001)
1. Coste, C., Falcon, E. & Fauve, S. 1995:
Propagations d'ondes non-linéaires dans une chaîne de billes en contact de Hertz.
in Petit, C., Pijaudier-Cabot, G. & Reynouard, J.-M., editors,
Des géomatériaux aux ouvrages : expérimentations et modélisations, 33-52. Hermes, Paris (1995) (in french).

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