Eric Falcon's publications:
(In a reverse chronological order)
International peer-reviewed journals
Books or Book chapters
Conference proceedings
Outreach and popularizing works
Press items

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International peer-reviewed journals

100. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2024
     submitted to Physical Review Letters (2024)
     Soliton Dynamics over a Disordered Topography

99. G. Ricard, F. Novkoski, and E. Falcon 2024
     Nature Communications 15, 5726 (2024)
     Anderson localization of nonlinear surface gravity waves

98. J.-B. Gorce and E. Falcon 2024
     Physical Review Letters 132, 264001 (2024)
     Freely Decaying Saffman Turbulence Experimentally Generated by Magnetic Stirrers

97. F. Novkoski, J. Fillette, C.-T. Pham, and E. Falcon 2024
     Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 436, 134164 (2024)
     Nonlinear dynamics of a hanging string with a freely pivoting attached mass

96. L. Fache, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, F. Copie, F. Novkoski, G. Ricard, G. Roberti, E. Falcon, P. Suret, G. El, and S. Randoux 2024    Editor's suggestion
     Physical Review E 109, 034207 (2024)
     Interaction of soliton gases in deep-water surface gravity waves

95. F. Novkoski, E. Falcon, and C.T. Pham 2023
     The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 1146 (2023)
     A numerical direct scattering method for the periodic sine-Gordon equation

94. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2023
     Physical Review E 108, 045106 (2023)
     Experimental evidence of random shock-wave intermittency

93. F. Novkoski, C.-T. Pham, and E. Falcon 2023
     Physical Review E 107, 045101 (2023)
     Evidence of experimental three-wave resonant interactions between two dispersion branches

92. J.-B. Gorce and E. Falcon 2023
     Physical Review E 107, 034903 (2023)
     Statistics of a two-dimensional immersed granular gas magnetically forced in volume

91. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2023
     Physical Review Fluids 8, 014804 (2023)
     Transition from wave turbulence to acousticlike shock-wave regime

90. J. Fillette, S. Fauve, and E. Falcon 2022
     Physical Review Fluids 7, 124801 (2022)
     Axisymmetric gravity-capillary standing waves on the surface of a fluid

89. F. Novkoski, C.-T. Pham, and E. Falcon 2022
     Europhysics Letters (EPL) 139, 53003 (2022)
     Experimental observation of periodic Korteweg-de Vries solitons along a torus of fluid

88. J.-B. Gorce and E. Falcon 2022
     Physical Review Letters 129, 054501 (2022)
     Statistical Equilibrium of Large Scales in Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Turbulence

87. E. Kochurin, G. Ricard, N. Zubarev, and E. Falcon 2022 Letter
     Physical Review E 105, L063101 (2022)
     Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of free-surface magnetohydrodynamic wave turbulence

86.G. Michel, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, and E. Falcon 2022
     Journal of Fluid Mechanics 943, A26 (2022)
     Statistics of rogue waves in isotropic wave fields

85. M. Berhanu, S. Merminod, G. Castillo, and E. Falcon 2022
     Proceedings of The Royal Society A 478, 20220014 (2022)
     Wave spectroscopy in a driven granular material

84. E. Falcon and N. Mordant 2022
     Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 54, 1-25 (2022)
     Experiments in gravity-capillary wave turbulence

83. A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, G. Roberti, G. El, A. Tovbis, G. Ducrozet, A. Cazaubiel, F. Copie, E. Falcon, S. Randoux, and P. Suret 2022   EditorSuggestion
     Physical Review Fluids 7, 054401 (2022)
     Prediction and manipulation of hydrodynamic rogue waves via nonlinear spectral engineering

82. A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, F. Copie, S. Randoux, and P. Suret 2022
     Scientific Reports 12, 10386 (2022)
     Nonlinear dispersion relation in integrable turbulence

81. A. Cazaubiel, J.-B. Gorce, J.-C. Bacri, M. Berhanu, C. Laroche, and E. Falcon 2021  Letter
     Physical Review Fluids 6, L112601 (2021)
     Three-dimensional turbulence generated homogeneously by magnetic particles

80. F. Novkoski, E. Falcon, and C.-T. Pham 2021
     Physical Review Letters 127, 144504 (2021)
     Experimental dispersion relation of surface waves along a torus of fluid

79. G. Ricard and E. Falcon 2021
     EPL (Europhysics Letters) 135, 64001 (2021)
     Experimental quasi-1D capillary-wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid

78. M.Noirhomme, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, D. Fischer, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre-Chabot, S. Mawet, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, S. Pillitteri, N. Vandewalle 2021
     Physical Review Letters 126, 128002 (2021)
     Particle dynamics at the onset of the granular gas-liquid transition

77. D. Puzyrev, D. Fischer, K. Harth, T. Trittel, R. C. Hidalgo, E. Falcon, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, N. Vandewalle, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre, F. Palencia & R. Stannarius 2021
     Scientific Reports 11, 10621 (2021)
     Visual analysis of density and velocity profiles in dense 3D granular gases

76. P. Suret, A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, F. Copie, G. Ducrozet, A. Gelash, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El, & S. Randoux 2020
     Physical Review Letters 125, 264101 (2020)
     Nonlinear spectral synthesis of soliton gas in deep-water surface gravity waves

75. E. Kochurin, G. Ricard, N. Zubarev & E. Falcon 2020
     JETP Letters 112, 757 - 763 (2020)
     Numerical Simulation of Collinear Capillary-Wave Turbulence

74. E. Opsomer, S. Merminod, J. Schockmel, N. Vandewalle, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2020
     Physical Review E 102, 042907 (2020)
     Patterns in magnetic granular media at the crossover from two to three dimensions

73. G. Michel, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, G. Prabhudesai, A. Cazaubiel, F. Copie, A. Tikan, P. Suret, S. Randoux & E. Falcon 2020
     Physical Review Fluids 5, 082801(R) (2020) - Rapid Communication
     Emergence of Peregrine solitons in integrable turbulence of deep water gravity waves

72. E. Falcon, G. Michel, G. Prabhudesai, A. Cazaubiel, M. Berhanu, N. Mordant, S. Aumaître & F. Bonnefoy 2020
     Physical Review Letters 125, 134501 (2020)
     Saturation of the Inverse Cascade in Surface Gravity-Wave Turbulence

71. F. Bonnefoy, A. Tikan, F. Copie, P. Suret, G. Ducrozet, G. Pradehusai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El & S. Randoux 2020     Editor's suggestion
     Physical Review Fluids 5, 034802 (2020)
     From modulation instability to focusing dam breaks in water waves

70. G. Castillo, S. Merminod, E. Falcon & M. Berhanu 2020
     Physical Review E 101, 032903 (2020)
     Tuning the distance to equipartition by controlling the collision rate in a driven granular gas experiment

69. M. Berhanu, E. Falcon, G. Michel, C. Gissinger and S. Fauve 2019
     EPL (Europhysics Letters) 128, 34001 (2019)
     Capillary wave turbulence experiments in microgravity

68. A. Cazaubiel, S. Mawet, A. Darras, G. Grojean, J. J. W. A van Loon, S. Dorbolo & E. Falcon 2019    Editor's Suggestion    Physics
     Physical Review Letters 123, 244501 (2019)
     Wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid in a high-gravity environment

67. C. Laroche, J.-C. Bacri, M. Devaud, T. Jamin & E. Falcon 2019  Editor's Suggestion
     Physical Review Letters 123, 094502 (2019)
      Observation of the resonance frequencies of a stable torus of fluid

66. A. Cazaubiel, F.Haudin, E.Falcon & M.Berhanu 2019  Editor's Suggestion
     Physical Review Fluids 4, 074803 (2019)
      Forced three-wave interactions of capillary-gravity surface waves

65. A. Cazaubiel, G. Michel, S. Lepot, B. Semin, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu, F. Bonnefoy & E. Falcon 2018
     Physical Review Fluids 3, 114802 (2018)
      Coexistence of solitons and extreme events in deep water surface waves

64. M. Noirhomme, A. Cazaubiel, A. Darras, E. Falcon, D. Fischer, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre-Chabot, S. Merminod, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, J. Schockmel, R. Stannarius & N. Vandewalle 2018
     EPL (Europhysics Letters) 123, 14003 (2018)
     Threshold of gas-like to clustering transition in driven granular media in low-gravity environment

63. S. Aumaître, R. P. Behringer, A. Cazaubiel, E. Clément, J. Crassous, D. J. Durian, E. Falcon, S.  Fauve, D. Fischer, A. Garcimartin, Y. Garrabos, M. Hou, X. Jia, C. Lecoutre, S. Luding, D. Mazza, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, T. Pöschel, J. Schockmel, M. Schröter, M. Sperl, R. Stannarius, N. Vandewalle & P. Yu 2018
       Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 075103 (2018)
       An instrument for studying granular media in low-gravity environment

62.M. Berhanu, E. Falcon & L. Deike 2018
       Journal of Fluid Mech anics 850, 803 (2018)
       Turbulence of capillary waves forced by steep gravity waves

61. G. Michel, B. Semin, A. Cazaubiel, F. Haudin, T. Humbert, S. Lepot, F. Bonnefoy, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2018
       Physical Review Fluids 3, 054801 (2018)
       Self-similar gravity wave spectra resulting from the modulation of bound waves

60. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri, & C. Laroche 2017
     Physical Review Fluids 2, 102601(R) (2017) - Rapid Communication
      Dissipated power within a turbulent flow forced homogeneously by magnetic particles

59. F. Bonnefoy, F. Haudin, G. Michel, B. Semin, T. Humbert, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2017
      La Houille Blanche 5, 56 (2017)
      Experimental observation of four-wave resonant interactions in a wave basin

58. L. Deike, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2017
Physical Review Fluids
2, 064803 (2017)
       Observation of hydroelastic three-wave interactions

57.  M. Creyssels, C. Laroche, E. Falcon & B. Castaing 2017  EPJE Highlight
European Physical Journal E 40, 56 (2017)
       Pressure dependence of the electrical transport in granular materials

56. E. Opsomer, M. Noirhomme, N. Vandewalle, E. Falcon & S. Merminod 2017
Nature PJ Microgravity 3, 1 (2017) - Brief Comm. (
       Segregation and pattern formation in dilute granular media under microgravity conditions

55. B. Issenmann, C. Laroche & E. Falcon 2016
(Europhysics Letters) 116, 64005 (2016)     
      Wave turbulence in a two-layer fluid: coupling between free surface and interface waves

54. F. Bonnefoy, F. Haudin, G. Michel, B. Semin, T. Humbert, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2016
     Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids) 805, R3 (2016)
     Observation of resonant interactions among surface gravity waves

53.  T. Jamin, Y. Djama, J.-C. Bacri & E. Falcon 2016
     Physical Review Fluids 1, 021901(R) (2016) - Rapid Communication
     Tuning the resonant frequencies of a drop by a magnetic field

52. F. Haudin, A. Cazaubiel, L. Deike, T. Jamin, E. Falcon and M. Berhanu 2016
     Physical Review E 93, 043110 (2016)
     Experimental study of three-wave interactions among capillary-gravity surface waves

51. S. Merminod, T. Jamin, E. Falcon and M. Berhanu 2015
     Physical Review E 92, 062205 (2015)
     Transition to a labyrinthine phase in a driven granular medium

50. L. Deike, B. Miquel, P. Gutiérrez, T. Jamin, B. Semin, M. Berhanu, E. Falcon & F. Bonnefoy 2015
     Journal of Fluid Mechanics 781, 196 (2015)
     Role of the basin boudary conditions in gravity wave turbulence

49. A. Garcia-Cid, P. Gutiérrez, C. Falcón, S. Aumaître, & E. Falcon 2015
     Physical Review E 92, 032915 (2015)
     Statistics of injected power on a bouncing ball in a randomly accelerating piston

48. T. Jamin, L. Gordillo, G. Ruiz Chavarria, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2015
      Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471, 20150069 (2015)
     Experiments on generation of surface waves by an underwater moving bottom

47. L. Deike, D. Furster, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
      Physical Review Letters 112, 234501 (2014)
     Direct numerical simulations of capillary wave turbulence

46. S. Merminod, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
      EPL (Europhysics Letters) 106, 44005 (2014)
     Transition from a dissipative to a quasi-elastic system of particles with tunable repulsive interactions

45. L. Deike, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
      Physical Review E 89, 023003 (2014)
      Energy flux measurement from the dissipated energy in capillary wave turbulence

44. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri & C. Laroche 2013
      Equation of state of a granular gas homogeneously driven by particle rotations
(Europhysics Letters) 103, 64004 (2013)

43. L. Deike, J.-C. Bacri & E. Falcon 2013
     Nonlinear waves on the surface of a fluid covered by an elastic sheet
     Journal of Fluid Mechanics 733, 394 (2013)

42. M.Berhanu & E. Falcon 2013
      Space-time-resolved capillary wave turbulence
      Physical Review E 89, 033003 (2013)

41. B. Issenmann & E. Falcon 2013
      Gravity wave turbulence revealed by horizontal vibrations of the container
      Physical Review E 87, 011001(R) (2013)
- Rapid Communication

40. L. Deike, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2012

      Decay of capillary wave turbulence
      Physical Review E 85, 066311 (2012)

39. T. Jamin, C. Py & E. Falcon 2011       Editor's Suggestion     Physics
       Instability of the origami of a ferrofluid drop in a magnetic field
      Physical Review Letters 107, 204503 (2011)

38. L. Deike, C.Laroche & E. Falcon 2011
Experimental study of the inverse cascade in gravity wave turbulence
(Europhysics Letters) 96, 34004 (2011)

37. E. Falcon & C.Laroche 2011
Observation of depth-induced properties in wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid
(Europhysics Letters) 94, 34003 (2011)

S. Dorbolo & E. Falcon 2011
       Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid in a horizontal magnetic field
       Physical Review E 83, 046303 (2011)

35. E. Herbert, N. Mordant & E. Falcon 2010
       Observation of nonlinear dispersion relation and spatial statistics of wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid
       Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 144502 (2010)

34. E. Falcon, S.G. Roux & B. Audit 2010
Revealing intermittency in experimental data with steep power spectra
(Europhysics Letters) 90, 50007 (2010)

33. E. Falcon, S.G. Roux & C. Laroche 2010
      Origin of intermittency in wave turbulence
     EPL (Europhysics Letters) 90, 34005 (2010)

32. E. Bourdin, J.-C. Bacri & E. Falcon 2010:
Observation of axisymmetric solitary waves on the surface of a ferrofluid,
       Physical Review Letters
104, 094502 (2010) 

31. E. Falcon 2010
      Laboratory experiments on wave turbulence
      Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B Vol. 13, N°4, 819-840 (2010)

30. F. Boyer & E. Falcon 2009

      Two-Dimensional Melting of a Crystal of Ferrofluid Spikes
      Physical Review Letters 103, 144501

29. C. Falcó
n, E. Falcon, U. Bortolozzo & S. Fauve 2009
       Capillary wave turbulence on a spherical fluid surface in zero gravity
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 86, 14002 (2009)

28. C. Falcón & E. Falcon 2009
Fluctuations of energy flux in a simple dissipative out-of-equilibrium system
       Physical Review E 79, 041110 (2009)

27. F. Boyer & E. Falcon 2008    Editor's Suggestion   Physics
        Wave turbulence on the surface of a ferrofluid in a magnetic field
       Physical Review Letters 101, 244502 (2008)

26. E. Falcon, S. Aumaître, C. Falcón, C. Laroche & S. Fauve 2008
        Fluctuations of energy flux in wave turbulence
       Physical Review Letters 100, 064503 (2008)

25. M. Creyssels, E. Falcon & B. Castaing 2008
Scaling of AC electrical conductivity of powders under compression,
        Physical Review B 77, 075135

24. S. McNamara & E. Falcon 2008
Simulation of dense granular gases in zero gravity with with impact-velocity-dependent restitution coefficient
Powder Technology 182, 232 (2008)

23 . E. Falcon,
S. Fauve & C. Laroche 2007
Observation of intermittency in wave turbulence,
Physical Review Letters 98, 154501 (2007)

22. E. Falcon, C. Laroche and S. Fauve 2007
Observation of gravity-capillary wave turbulence,
Physical Review Letters 98, 094503 (2007)

21. Dorbolo S., Merlen A., Creyssels M., Vandewalle N., Castaing B. &
Falcon E. 2007
        Effects of electromagnetic waves on the electrical properties of contacts between grains,
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 79, 54001 (2007)

20. Creyssels M. , Dorbolo S., Merlen A., Laroche C., Castaing B. & Falcon E. 2007
        Some aspects of electrical conduction in granular systems of various dimensions,
European Physical Journal E 23, 255 (2007)

19. Leconte, M., Garrabos, Y., Falcon, E., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Palencia, F., Evesque, P. & Beysens, D.2006
        Microgravity experiments on vibrated granular gases in a dilute regime: non-classical statistics
        Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment, P07012 (2006)
18. Falcon, E., Aumaître, S., Evesque, P., Palencia, F., Chabot, C., Fauve, S., Beysens, D. & Garrabos, Y. 2006:
Collision statistics in a dilute granular gas fluidized by vibrations in low gravity.
Europhysics Letters 74, 830 (2006)
17. McNamara, S. & Falcon, E. 2005:
Simulations of vibrated granular medium with impact velocity dependent restitution coefficient
Physical Review E71, 031302 (2005)

16. Falcon, E.  & Castaing, B. 2005:
        Electrical conductivity in granular media and Branly's coherer: A simple experiment
         American Journal of Physics 73, 302 - 307 (2005)
15. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Creyssels, M. 2004:
Nonlinear electrical conductivity in a 1D granular medium
European Physical Journal B 38, 475 - 483 (2004)

14. Dauxois, T., Didier, A. & Falcon, E. 2004:
       Observation of near-critical reflection of internal waves in a stably stratified fluid
Physics of Fluids 16, 1936 - 1941 (2004)
13. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Laroche, C. 2004:
''Turbulent'' electrical transport in Copper powders
Europhysics Letters, 65, 186 - 192 (2004)
12. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 2003:
        Observation of Sommerfeld precursors on a fluid surface
        Physical Review Letters, 91, 064502 (2003)

11. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 2002:                                                Physics
        Observation of a depression solitary surface waves on a thin fluid layer
        Physical Review Letters, 89, 204501 (2002)
10. Pétrélis, F., Falcon, E. & Fauve, S. 2000:
Parametric stabilization of the Rosensweig instability.
European Physical Journal B, 15, 3 - 6 (2000)
9. Kumar, K., Falcon, E., Bajaj, K. M. S., & Fauve, S. 1999:
Shape of convective cell in Faraday experiment with fine granular materials
Physica A, 270, 97-104 (1999)
8. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 1999:
Experimental determination of a state equation for dissipative granular gases.
Journal de Chimie Physique , 96, 1111-1116 (1999)
7. Falcon, E., Wunenburger, R., Evesque, P., Fauve, S., Chabot, C., Garrabos, Y. & Beysens, D. 1999:
Cluster formation in a granular medium fluidized by vibrations in low gravity.
Physical Review Letters, 83, 440-444 (1999)
6. Falcon, E., Fauve, S. & Laroche, C. 1999:
Cluster formation, pressure and density measurements in a granular medium fluidized by vibrations.
European Physical Journal B, 9, 183-186 (1999)
5. Falcon, E. , Kumar, K., Bajaj, K. M. S. & Bhattacharjee, J. K. 1999:
Heap corrugation and hexagon formation of powder under vertical vibrations.
Physical Review E, 59, 5, 5716-5720 (1999)
4. Baumberger,T. , Bureau, L., Busson, M., Falcon, E. & Perrin, B. 1998:
An inertial tribometer for measuring micro-slip dissipation at a solid-solid multicontact interface.
Review of Scientific Instruments 69 , 6, 2416-2420 (1998)
3. Falcon, E. , Laroche, C., Fauve, S. & Coste, C. 1998:
Collision of a 1-D column of beads with a wall.
European Physical Journal B 5, 111-131 (1998)
2. Falcon, E. , Laroche, C., Fauve, S. & Coste, C. 1998:
Behavior of one inelastic ball bouncing repeatedly off the ground.
European Physical Journal B 3, 45-57 (1998)
1. Coste, C., Falcon, E. & Fauve, S. 1997:
Solitary waves in a chain of beads under Hertz contact.
Physical Review E 56, 6104-6117 (1997)

Books or Book chapters

20b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2024
        Recueil des contributions de la 27e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2024, (Non-Linéaire Pub., Orsay, 2024) 186 pages (in french) ISBN 9782957614530

19b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2023
        Recueil des contributions de la 26e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2023, (Non-Linéaire Pub., Orsay, 2023) 170 pages (in french) ISBN 9782957614523

18b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2022
        Recueil des contributions de la 25e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2022, (Non-Linéaire Pub., Orsay, 2022) 158 pages (in french) ISBN 9782957614516

17b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2021
        Recueil des contributions de la 24e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2021, (Non-Linéaire Pub., Orsay, 2021) 156 pages (in french) ISBN 9782957614509

16b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2020
        Comptes-rendus de la 23e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2020, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2020) 142 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859690

15b. E. Falcon 2019
        Wave Turbulence: A Set of Stochastic Nonlinear Waves in Interaction
       Chapter in Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics (V. In, P. Longhini, A. Palacios Eds., Springer Nature, Chap. 25, pp. 259 – 266, 2019)

14b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2019
        Comptes-rendus de la 22e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2019, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2019) 212 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859683

13b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2018
        Comptes-rendus de la 21e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2018, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2018) 114 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859676

12b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds)2017
        Comptes-rendus de la 20e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2017, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2017) 110 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859669

11b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds.) 2016
        Comptes-rendus de la 19e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2016, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2016) 132 pages ISBN 9782953859652

10b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2015
        Comptes-rendus de la 18e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2015, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2015) 166 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859645

9b. E. Falcon, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2014
        Comptes-rendus de la 17e  Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2014, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2014) 150 pages (in french) ISBN 9782953859638

8b. E. Falcon, C. Josserand, M. Lefranc, F. Pétrélis & C.-T. Pham (Eds) 2013
        Comptes-rendus de la 16e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2013, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2013) 184 pages (in french)

7b. S. Aumaître, E. Falcon and S. Fauve 2013
        Fluctuations the energy flux in wave turbulence
        Chapter in Advances in Wave Turbulence (S. Nazarenko and V. Shrira Eds., World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013)

6b. E. Falcon, C. Josserand, M. Lefranc & C. Letellier (Eds) 2012
        Comptes-rendus de la 15ème Rencontre du Non-Linéaire Paris 2012, (Non-Linéaire Pub., St-Etienne du Rouvray, 2012) 228 pages (in french)

5b. E. Falcon, 2008
       Etudes Expérimentales en Turbulence d'Ondes
       Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR), 244 pages, Université Paris Diderot (2008) (in french)

4b. S. McNamara & E. Falcon 2003
       Vibrated granular media as experimentally realizable granular gases
       in "Granular Gas Dynamics", Vol. 624 of Lectures Notes in Physics, T. Pöschel and  N. V. Brilliantov (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, p. 347 - 366 (2003).

3b. E. Falcon, C. Laroche, & S. Fauve 2001
       An experimental study of a granular gas fluidized by vibrations
       in "Granular Gases", Vol. 564 of Lectures Notes in Physics, T. Pöschel and  S. Luding (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 244-253 (2001)

2b. E. Falcon 1997
       Comportements dynamiques associés au contact de Hertz : processus collectifs de collision et propagation d'ondes solitaires dans les milieux granulaires.
       PhD Thesis, ENS Lyon / Université Claude Bernard Lyon I (1997) (in french)

1b. C. Coste, E. Falcon & S. Fauve 1995
       Propagations d'ondes non-linéaires dans une chaîne de billes en contact de Hertz
       in "Des géomatériaux aux ouvrages : expérimentations et modélisations" (C. Petit, G. Pijaudier-Cabot & J.-M. Reynouard Eds.), pp. 33 - 52, Hermes, Paris (1995)

Conference proceedings

49a. L. Fache, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, F. Copie, F. Novkoski, G. Ricard, E. Falcon, G. Roberti, P. Suret, G. El, S. Randoux 2024
        27e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2024, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 117 (2024)
        Particle dynamics at the onset of the granular gas-liquid transition

48a. S. Randoux, P. Suret, F. Copie, M. Dufour, F. Bonnefoy, G. Ducrozet, A. Gelash, G. Michel, E. Falcon, G. Roberti, G. El 2023
        26e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2023, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 32 (2023)
        Turbulence intégrable et gaz de solitons : expériences en optique et en hydrodynamique
47a. F. Novkoski, C.-T. Pham, E. Falcon 2023
        26e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2023, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 33 (2023)
        Experimental nonlinear waves along a torus of fluid

46a. J.-B. Gorce, E. Falcon 2023
        26e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2023, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 110 (2023)
        Dynamique 2D d’un gaz granulaire forcé magnétiquement

45a. G. Ricard, E. Falcon 2023
        26e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2023, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 111 (2023)
        From wave turbulence to shock-wave regime: Intermittency and Burgers turbulence

44a. N. Vandewalle, E. Falcon, D. Fischer, Y. Garrabos, C. Lecoutre-Chabot, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia 2022
        27th ELGRA Biennal Symposium, Lisbon (Portugal), Sept. 6-9 (2022), p. 62-63
        Particle dynamics at the onset of the granular gas-liquid transition

43a. M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, E. Falcon, N. Vandewalle 2022
        27th ELGRA Biennal Symposium, Lisbon (Portugal), Sept. 6-9 (2022), p. 47-48
        Osmosis in a bi-disperse compartmentalized granular material in low-gravity environment

42a. J. Fillette, S. Fauve, E. Falcon 2022
  25e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2022, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 137 (2022)
  Focalisation d’ondes circulaires à la surface d’un fluide

41a. F. Novkoski, C.-T. Pham, E. Falcon 2022
  25e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2022, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 114 (2022)
  Nonlinear Waves along a Torus of Fluid

40a. J.-B. Gorce, A. Cazaubiel, J.-C. Bacri, M. Berhanu, C. Laroche and E. Falcon 2022
 25e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2022, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 59 (2022)
 Turbulence hydrodynamique 3D générée par des agitateurs magnétiques

39a. G. Ricard, E. Falcon 2022
 25e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2022, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 43 (2022)
  Turbulence d’ondes de surface quasi-1D

38a. J. Fillette, S. Fauve, E. Falcon 2021
 24e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2021, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 111 (2021)
  Focalisation d’ondes circulaires à la surface d’un fluide

37a. M. Berhanu, S. Merminod, G. Castillo, E. Falcon 2021
24e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2021, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 109 (2021)
“Granular turbulence” in a driven system of magnetized particles

36a. G. Ricard, E. Falcon 2021
 24e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2021, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 99 (2021)
 Observation expérimentale de turbulence d’ondes quasi-1D

35a. P. Suret, A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, F. Copie, G. Ducrozet, A. Gelash, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El, S. Randoux 2021
 24e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2021, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 46 (2021)
 Synthèse non linéaire d’un gaz de solitons en hydrodynamique

34a. A. Cazaubiel, C. Laroche, J.-C. Bacri, M. Berhanu, E. Falcon 2020
 23e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2020, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 104 (2020)
 Turbulence hydrodynamique 3D engendrée par des particules magnétiques

33a. S. Randoux, P. Suret, F. Copie, A. Tikan, G. El, A. Gelash, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. Ducrozet, F. Bonnefoy 2020
 23e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2020, Non-Linéaire Pub., p. 95 (2020)
 Génération et observation d’un gaz de solitons dans des expériences d’hydrodynamique

32a. E. Kochurin, E. Falcon, N. Zubarev 2020
 SIAM Conf. on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Bremen, Germany, July 27-30, 2020
 Weakly dispersive wave turbulence on the surface of a liquid in an external magnetic field

31a. F. Bonnefoy, P. Suret, A. Tikan, F. Copie, G. Ducrozet, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El, S. Randoux, 2019
  24e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Brest 26-30 aout 2019, 9 pages
 Génération de houle en bassin sur de grandes distances de propagation : méthode non-linéaire pour une enveloppe non-modulée

30a. A. Tikan, F. Bonnefoy, G. Michel, P. Gaurav, A. Cazaubiel, F. Copie, E. Falcon, S. Randoux, P. Suret, 2019
 22e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2019, Non-Linéaire Pub., 187 (2019)
 Dispersion relation for unidirectional surface gravity waves

29a. A. Cazaubiel, S. Mawet, A. Darras, G. Grojean, J. W. A. van Loon, S. Dorbolo, E. Falcon, 2019
       22e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2019, Non-Linéaire Pub., 113 (2019)
       Turbulence d’ondes en hypergravité

28a. F. Bonnefoy, P. Suret, A. Tikan, F. Copie, G. Prabhudesai, G. Michel, A. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon, G. El, S. Randoux, 2019
        22e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2019, Non-Linéaire Pub., 105 (2019)
       Observation de la modulation non-linéaire contra-propagative des bords d’un train d’onde de gravité à la surface d’un fluide

27a. M. Berhanu, A. Cazaubiel, F. Haudin, E. Falcon, 2019
        22e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2019, Non-Linéaire Pub., 102 (2019)
       Forced three-wave interactions of capillary-gravity waves

26a. M. Berhanu, E. Falcon & S. Fauve 2018
        Report to COSPAR (World Committee for Space Research), 42th Scientific Assembly, 14-22 July 2018, Pasasena, USA, CNES Ed., p. 66 - 67 (2018)
       Wave turbulence in microgravity

25a. M. Berhanu, S. Merminod, E. Falcon & G. Castillo 2018
         21e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2018, Non-Linéaire Pub., pp. 1 – 6 (2018)
        Random waves in a vibrated 2D granular medium with magnetic dipolar interactions

24a. F. Bonnefoy, F. Haudin, G. Michel, B. Semin, T. Humbert, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2017
         IWWWFB32 (32nd Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies), 23-26 April 2017, Dalian, China (2017), 4 pages
        Experimental observation of four-wave resonant interaction: from low steepness to wave breaking

23a. Cazaubiel, E. Falcon & M. Berhanu 2017
        20e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2017, Non-Linéaire Pub., pp. 7 – 12 (2017)
        Ondes de surface produites par un jet turbulent immergé

22a. F. Bonnefoy, F. Haudin, G. Michel, B. Semin, T. Humbert, S. Aumaître, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2016
        Actes des 15e Journées de l’Hydrodynamique, ISSN 1161-1847,  22-24 Novembre 2016, ENSTA, Brest (2016)
       Interactions résonantes à quatre vagues en bassin

21a. M. Berhanu, A. Cazaubiel, L. Deike, T. Jamin & E. Falcon 2015
        18e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2015, Non-Linéaire Pub., pp. 19 – 24 (2015)
        Etude expérimentale des interactions à trois ondes capillaires

20a. S. Merminod, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
        17e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2014, Non-Linéaire Pub., pp. 105 – 110 (2014)
        Transitions structurales dans un gaz granulaire magnétique

19a. L. Deike, D. Fuster, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2013
        European Turbulence Conference 14 Proceedings , Lyon, France (2013), 2 pages
        Direct numerical simulations of capillary wave turbulence

18a. M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2013
        European Turbulence Conference 14 Proceedings, Lyon, France (2013), 2 pages
       Spatiotemporal investigation of capillary wave turbulence: hypothesis of weak nonlinearity under scrutiny

17a. E. Falcon, J.-C. Bacri & C. Laroche 2013
       AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 815-818 (2013)
       Experimental study of a granular gas homogeneously driven by particle rotations

16a. B. Issenmann & E. Falcon 2013
       16e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2013, Non-Linéaire Pub., pp. 61 – 66 (2013)
        Turbulence d’ondes gravito-capillaires engendrées par des vibrations horizontales du récipient

15a. G. Ruiz-Chavarria, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2012
        15e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2012, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 191-196 (2012) (in french)
        Génération d’ondes à la surface d’un fluide par un fond mobile

14a. L. Deike & E. Falcon 2012
        15e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2012, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 73-78  (2012) (in french)
        Ondes non linéaires à la surface d’un fluide recouvert d’une membrane élastique

13a. M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2012
        15e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2012, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 37-42  (2012)(in french)
        Propriétés spatio-temporelles de la turbulence d’ondes capillaires

12a. L. Deike & E. Falcon 2011
        14e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2011, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 41-46 (2011) (in french)
        Cascade inverse et déclin de la turbulence d’ondes gravito-capillaires

11a. F. Boyer & E. Falcon 2010
        Fusion bidimensionnelle d'un cristal de pics de ferrofluide
       13e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2010, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 19 - 24 (2010) (in french)

10a. F. Boyer & E. Falcon 2009
       Turbulence d'ondes à la surface d'un ferrofluide
        12e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2009, Non Linéaire Pub., pp. 29 - 34 (2009) (in french)

9a. M. Creyssels, E. Falcon & B. Castaing 2009
        Experiment and theory of the electrical conductivity of compressed granular metal
        AIP Conference Proceedings 2009, 1145, pp. 123 - 126 (2009)

8a. S. Fauve & E. Falcon 2008
        Gravity-capillary wave turbulence

        Report to COSPAR (World Committee for Space Research),  37th Scientific Assembly, 13-20 July 2008, Montréal, Canada, CNES Ed., p. 90 - 91 (2008)

7a. Falcon, E. & Castaing, B. 2005
        Electrical properties of granular matter: From "Branly effect" to intermittency"
        in Powders & Grains 2005, R.García-Rojo, H.J. Herrmann & S. McNamara, Eds. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 323 - 327 (2005)

6a. Gostiaux, L.,  Dauxois T., Falcon, E. & Garnier, N. 2005
        Mesure quantitative de gradients de densité en fluides stratifiés bi-dimensionnels
       Actes du Colloque FLUVISU 11, 7-9 Juin 2005 ECL, Ecully, France (2005) (in French)

5a. Gostiaux, L.,  Dauxois T. & Falcon, E. 2005
        Réflexion critique d'ondes internes de gravité en fluides stratifiés
in 8e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2005, Non Linéaire Publications, Orsay, pp. 103-108 (2005) (in french)

4a. Creyssels, M., Falcon, E. & Castaing, B. 2005
        Bruit et intermittence du transport électrique dans les milieux granulaires
        in 8e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2005, Non Linéaire Publications, Orsay, pp. 55-60 (2005) (in french)
3a. Falcon, E., Castaing, B. & Creyssels, M. 2004
        Transport électrique non linéaire dans les milieux granulaires 1D
        in 7e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2004, Non Linéaire Publications, Orsay, pp. 97-102 (2004) (in french)
2a. Falcon, E., Laroche, C. & Fauve, S. 2003
        Observation d'ondes solitaires dépressions à la surface d'une fine couche de fluide
        in 6e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2003, Non Linéaire Publications
, Orsay, pp. 119-124, (2003) (in french)
1a. Évesque, P., Falcon, E., Wunenburger, R., Fauve, S., Lecoutre-Chabot, C., Garrabos, Y. & Beysens, D. 2001
Gas-cluster transition of granular matter under vibration in microgravity.
in Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microgravity Research and Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Sorrento (Italy), Sept. 10 - 15, 2000, European Space Agency SP-454 (Ed.), pp. 829-834 (2001)

Outreach and Popularizing works

18v. Book "Les 150 ans de la Société Française de Physique" (Collectif), Chap. Division physique non linéaire, pp. 243 – 256 (EDP Sciences, 2023) EAN : 9782759830756

17v. F. Novkoski & E. Falcon 2022
        "How do waves propagate on a liquid torus?"
        The Conversation, 03 May 2022 (in French)

16v. E. Falcon 2021
        Création de la division de Physique Non Linéaire de la Société Française de Physique

         Les Reflets de la physique69, p. 39 (2021)  (in French)

15v. E. Falcon & C. Laroche 2019
       Series of photographs, colour: "Sweet crystallisation II"
        Art In Research exhibition at Abbaye de Silvacane, in la Roque d’Anthéron, July 6 - August 20, 2019

14v. Book Coalescence, Visions of Science (Collectif Art In Research) (Lienart Ed., Paris April 2019) ISBN : 978-2-35906-280-9

13v. Portrait of a Researcher: Eric Falcon from Art In Research 2019

12v. E. Falcon & C. Laroche 2018
        Series of photographs, colour : «Tourments liquides», «Cristallisation sucrée II» ; black and white: «Séchage salé» 2018
        Art In Research exhibition at Théâtre de La Reine Blanche, Paris, February 11 - May 19, 2018

11v. E. Herbert, N. Mordant & E. Falcon 2015
       Series of photographs, black and white : « Champ de vagues erratiques »  2015,
        for the exhibitions "Boîtes Noires" (2015) et "Espace Intuitifs" (2016)

10v. C. Laroche & E. Falcon 2015
       Series of photographs, colour : «Motifs à la surface d’une couche d’eau vibrée »  2015,
        for the exhibitions "Boîtes Noires" (2015) et "Espace Intuitifs" (2016)

9v. T. Jamin, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2015
        Scientific film: "Mouvements turbulents sous la surface de l'eau" 2015 (projection en boucle, N/B, duration 3’30)
        for the exhibitions" Boîtes Noires" (2015) et "Espace Intuitifs" (2016)

8v. S. Merminod, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2014
        Scientific film: "Auto-organisation de billes magnétiques" 2014 (duration 2'51, Colour) for the "Fête de La Science" 2014

7v. S. Merminod, M. Berhanu & E. Falcon 2013
        Scientific film: "Magnetic granular gas", 2013 (projection, vidéo N/B muet, durée 3’40 / CNRS , Université Paris Diderot)
        for the exhibition "Formes élémentaires"

6v. T. Jamin, Y. Djama & E. Falcon 2013,
        Scientific film: " Oscillating vibrated drops", 2013 (projection, vidéo N/B muet, durée 3’28 CNRS, Université Paris Diderot)
        for the exhibition "Formes élémentaires"

5v. E. Falcon  & B. Castaing 2010
       El efecto Branly
       Investigacion Y Ciencia 404, pp. 80 - 85, Maio 2010 (Spain edition of Scientific American)

4v. E. Falcon  B.Castaing 2006
       L'effet Branly livre ses secrets,
       Pour La Science 340, pp. 58 - 64, Février 2006 (French edition of Scientific American)

3v. E. Falcon, B. Castaing & M. Creyssels   2005
        Propriétés électriques de la matière granulaire: Bruit et intermittence
        Bulletin de la Société Française de Physique, 149, 6 - 9 (2005) (in French)

2v. E. Falcon, B. Castaing 2005
        Propriétés électriques de la matière granulaire: "L'effet Branly continu" 
        Bulletin de la Société Française de Physique, 148, 9 - 12 (2005) (in French)

1v. E. Falcon, M. Creyssels 2005
        TV interview recorded and brodcasted for the "Exposition sur le Centenaire de la découverte d’Edouard Branly", 30 June 2005 at the Marine Museum, Trocadéro, Paris


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